Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Teresa Gabelman
Going in to this book I knew it was going to be great! Never did I expect such a shift in the hero of the story character wise but, still was The Protector series that I enjoyed so much.
Jared is an amazing Warrior who unlike his brothers is ready to find his mate and who busts in his interrogation room but, Tessa Pride. She's a spunky red head who will do ANYTHING for her brother! Alex was turned into a half breeds against his will and Jared's prisoner could give Tessa and Alex the answers they need. Someone is trying to create a army of half breeds and Tessa is right in the middle of it.
Tessa is a great character that will not take anything from anyone Warrior or not! 
 I really enjoyed how Tessa wasn't model perfect and Jared man he was just AMAZING. I don't want to reveal to much but, this book was fantastic. It had the Warriors that and I love (oh how I love them) and had a side that tugged at the heart!! I laughed, (shut up Sid) cried, got angry, and loved every sentence. You want to read this book!! Don't forget to check out Damon too!!
5 Fairies


  1. Thank you so much for the review Carrie!!! Knowing you love the warriors as much as I do makes writing about them much more sweet!!! I'm also happy that you picked up on Tessa not being perfect. I want my characters to feel real. No one is perfect and I want that to shine through. I appreciate your support so much. Duncan is next and Sid's loud mouth will be in this book a lot since his book will be after Duncan's....LOL!


    1. You did that and so much more! I LOVE IT!!!
      I'm so excited to hear Duncan will be next I hoped he would! Him and Pam right?? WAIT DON'T tell me I want to be surprised!
