Publication Date- July 25th, 2013
Harvey Young, rock star lead of the Scottish band Shaggy Maggie, has dreamed his whole life about the red-haired girl from the school bus that he bullied until she ran away. He's resigned himself to groupie fill-ins. There's no way he'll ever see her again. Why torture himself pining for his lost youth?
Magda Canady may be on the unlucky side, but her life is starting to work itself out. She's an editor for a New York Publishing company and her long-time lawyer boyfriend is taking her home to Scotland to meet the parents and his younger brother. But the trip holds more danger than she could have imagined. Between a psycho stalker and the boy who tortured her through high school, she might lose her mind - and her life - before it's all said and done.
When a chance encounter brings them together once more, it's the past, the present, and a little psychosis that may get in the way of the future that was always meant to be.
Bea tugged my arm as I reluctantly climbed out of the cab that had brought us to their favorite pub.
“The Windy Kilt?” I raised an eyebrow as I looked up at the sign, “Are there a lot of gaseous Scots in there?”
“After a few pints, perhaps.” Grant mused, nudging my side.
“I’m really not feeling well. I’m still tired from the flight, why don’t I just take the cab back and you two go on?”
“Och! Feck nae!” Grant’s eyes went round, shocked at such a suggestion. He moved behind me and shoved me towards the door. “It’s yer first nicht in the motherland! Yer goin’ tae have a pint wi’ us, whether ye like it or no’!”
Given Grant’s insistence all afternoon about coming here, there was no question in my mind that my stubbornness came from my mother’s side of the family. Some band was finishing up a fast-paced punk song with bits of Gaelic mixed into the lyrics as we entered the pub. I scrunched my nose at the strong smell of sweaty bodies mixed with booze. Maybe I had been right about the gaseous Scots.
“Feck yeah, Camden’s here. He’s ma’ best friend, ye got tae meet him! I think ye’d git on wi’ him.” Grant beamed at me, the blue in his eyes glowing under the dim lighting of the pub. Bea just rolled her eyes.
“I’ll be back. I’m goin’ tae use the loo.” She disappeared before I could follow after her.
“Fergit ‘er. Ye want a drink, Aggie?”
“Not really–”
“I’ll get us a round.”
With that, I was left standing in the corner alone. Surrounded. After several minutes, I glanced around for any sign of Bea or Grant’s return when I noticed a pair of hard, gunmetal blue eyes watching me. A lopsided smirk crossed the man’s lips as he realized he’d caught my attention.
“Shit,” I quickly turned my gaze away, but could already see him striding towards me, the smirk growing.
“If I said ye had a nice body would ye hold it against me?” A voice whispered into my ear as he came up behind me. I turned to him, overpowered temporarily by the heavy smell of whisky that lingered on his breath. He stood there shirtless and sweaty as he stared into my eyes. A few strands of caramel colored hair fell in his face from a disheveled fauxhawk.
“No. Especially not with all that sweat.” I frowned at him and crossed my arms, hoping that would chase him off. He only looked more intrigued, the corner of his mouth twitching up.
“Och! An American?” He stepped closer, his eyes lighting up and his nostrils flaring as I backed away. He only prowled closer, like a cat scenting its prey. “Visitin’, are ye?”
“What of it?” I stumbled as I bumped into a stool and pushed it out of the way, only to find myself backed into a nook. Just great.
“Weel, if ye came all the way tae Scotland, ye should get the full experience.”
He leaned towards me and I sighed. He lifted his eyebrow in obvious suggestion.
“I think I’ll pass.”
“Aww commoan, love! If ye dinnae care for ma’ sweat, we can remedy that in the shower at ma’ flat. Maybe kill two birds wi’ one stone, ye kin?” He brushed a hand down my arm and I snatched it away.
“You look perfectly capable of bathing all by yourself. And for your info, I AM Scottish, so no need for the ‘Full Experience’.”
“Pfft, ye donnae even speak like one! Yir no’ a full blown Scot.” He scoffed and stepped closer, shrinking the space between us. Great. He placed a hand on the wall on either side of me, his grin widening. I scowled back at him.
“And you’re a full-blown moron.”
“Och! That hurts, love!” His face was inches from mine. He bit his lip in a mocking pout.
“Something else is going to hurt worse if you don’t back off.”
“Och! I hope the rest of yae is as feisty as that wee mouth of yers,” He licked his lips, his bloodshot blue eyes staring into mine. He inched ever closer, whispering into my ear, “Gets ma’ cock hard just thinkin’ aboot it.”
I gasped and he wasted no time, shoving me against the wall and covering my mouth in a sloppy, wet kiss as he pushed his hips against me. Sure enough, he wasn’t lying about that last bit. I beat my hands against his chest and he only ground harder against me. Well, I’d warned him.
“Och, ma’ feckin’ balls!” He stumbled back, gasping for air as he fell to his knees.
“I told you.”
“Ye feckin’ bitch!” He let out a puff of air. His hands cradled his crotch protectively and his face turned red.
“Aggie? Ye alricht?” Grant came up holding three pints but stopped as he saw the drunken idiot on the floor.
“Ye know that bitch?!” The idiot looked back at him, disbelief clear across his face as he grimaced in pain.
“Feck yeah. She’s ma’ cousin! The one I was tellin’ ye aboot.”
“Yir feckin’ shittin’ me.”
“And just who the fuck are you?” I crossed my arms over my chest as he studied me with renewed curiosity.
“Och! This is Camden.” Grant laughed and Bea finally reappeared behind him.
“Whit the feck happened? She kicked him in the bollocks and I missed it?” Bea’s eyes were wide. She smiled at me.
“‘Fraid so. If he keeps acting like an arsehole though, you’ll get to see an instant replay.”
Camden let out a grunt, practically baring his teeth at me as he pulled himself up and staggered away, hands still covering his crotch. I smiled, satisfied with the effectiveness of my threat.
Can you provide us with a short history/bio on the main characters?
Magda Canady - In high school, Magda was teased on the school bus by Harvey because of her fluffy, curly hair. Her sick mother died the day she got out of school her junior year of high school and she transferred for her senior year. At her new school, she met her best friend CaitaLynn whose hair was just as red as hers. Her father died a few years later and she started dating her lawyer, Beckman
Harvey Young - Born and raised in Scotland,Harvey and his family lived in the States while he was in high school. He mercilessly teased Magda until she disappeared one day. He fell for the missing girl with the shaggy red curls. After he moved back to Scotland, Harvey started a band, Shaggy Maggie. He is a mechanic and finished school with a culinary degree.
Beckman Young - Beckman stayed in the US when his family moved back to Scotland and finished school to become a Lawyer. He met Magda during her father’s case when she tripped and fell on her face. He’s not close to his brother, Harvey.
Can you share a short history/bio on each of your main characters?

Aggie, Camden, and Grant.
Aggie Walker-
Aggie Walker is a late twentysomething that is left jaded after losing Brody the day after he finally admitted he loved her. Aggie has generally kept her emotions hidden, spending most her time caring for those she loves, but now as her friends, Harley and Nolan, have found love with each other, she finds herself feeling like the third wheel. Aggie is loyal to her family and friends and stubborn sometimes to fault. She speaks her mind freely, and at five feet tall she is proof that big things come in small packages. She's fiesty and tenacious-step over the line with her and she will not hesitate to let you know. Keep pushing, and you'll probably get a knee to the crotch or an elbow to the ribs. One of her biggest faults, however, is the constant need to keep others at an arm's length. After losing Brody, she doesn't even want to think about giving her heart to someone else.
Aggie Walker is a late twentysomething that is left jaded after losing Brody the day after he finally admitted he loved her. Aggie has generally kept her emotions hidden, spending most her time caring for those she loves, but now as her friends, Harley and Nolan, have found love with each other, she finds herself feeling like the third wheel. Aggie is loyal to her family and friends and stubborn sometimes to fault. She speaks her mind freely, and at five feet tall she is proof that big things come in small packages. She's fiesty and tenacious-step over the line with her and she will not hesitate to let you know. Keep pushing, and you'll probably get a knee to the crotch or an elbow to the ribs. One of her biggest faults, however, is the constant need to keep others at an arm's length. After losing Brody, she doesn't even want to think about giving her heart to someone else.
Camden MacTavish-
Camden comes off as a joker. He doesn't seem to take anything seriously. He's handsome and he knows it, the long list of hook-ups and one-night stands are only further proof. He can be obnoxious and highly innappropriate, especially when he has had a little whisky. When he's hurt, he tends to act out instead of saying how he really feels. He's had a rough past, and suffered his own losses, but he hides his pain beneath jokes and bawdy behavior. He successfully gives off the impression of being a superficial, uncaring, wanna-be-rockstar to most, but to his closest friends and those he loves, he lets the real Camden show. Deep down he wants to find someone to share himself with and if he finds the right woman he won't give up. Being Scottish, he's equally as stubborn as Aggie...possibly sometimes moreso.
Grant Walker-
Grant is Aggie's younger cousin and Camden's best friend. At eighteen years old, he is a rowdy, often innapropriate, fun-loving guy that you can't help but smile around. He's a sweetheart with a baby-face that could make any girl's heart melt. He is almost always sporting a mischievous look about him, and generally he is usually up to something, whether it's trying to get Aggie and Camden together, or getting himself laid. He's always looking on the bright side and trying to find the best in people, even when others put them down. Just like Aggie, he is loyal and loving. He's artistic and whimsical, and completely obsessed with fairy tales and folklore, believing that there is much more to this world than meets the eye. Despite his care-free demeanor though, Grant often has deep insight into others. He's an old soul in the body of a young, boisterous ball of energy.
Grant is Aggie's younger cousin and Camden's best friend. At eighteen years old, he is a rowdy, often innapropriate, fun-loving guy that you can't help but smile around. He's a sweetheart with a baby-face that could make any girl's heart melt. He is almost always sporting a mischievous look about him, and generally he is usually up to something, whether it's trying to get Aggie and Camden together, or getting himself laid. He's always looking on the bright side and trying to find the best in people, even when others put them down. Just like Aggie, he is loyal and loving. He's artistic and whimsical, and completely obsessed with fairy tales and folklore, believing that there is much more to this world than meets the eye. Despite his care-free demeanor though, Grant often has deep insight into others. He's an old soul in the body of a young, boisterous ball of energy.
About the Author-
Tyffani Clark Kemp has been writing since she discovered in the sixth grade that it wasn't enough just to read about fantastic places, but she could create her own. She weaves small bits of herself into everything she writes whether it be a science fiction piece about aliens or a dramatic romance fraught with conflict and love. In September 2012 Tyffani and a friend started SideStreet Publishing LLC. She lives in South Carolina with her family and her fluffy shii tzu-mix dog who things he's a Saint Bernard.
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