Friday, August 23, 2013

The Reborn Excerpt~Review~Giveaway

Title-The Reborn: The Book of Dain
by Casse Narome
Genre -YA Paranormal Romance
Release date 3/21/13 from Bayou Brew Publishing
Dain has lived a total of ninety-nine different lifetimes and in every single one, he has loved the same girl.
Their past is marred by ill-fated romance and almost encounters.
Evil forces have conspired to keep the two of them a part and it seems to have succeeded ...
Tara is gone, and in her place stands Bonnie, the complete opposite of Tara.
Is Dain's shot at love over or has he lived all these lives because he has loved the wrong girl all along?
A hundred chances at love…and it comes down to only one.

“Dain, we are here. We are walking the rest of the way.”
I sat up as Bonnie reached back from the front seat to shake me again. Still half asleep, I grabbed her hand, and she allowed me to pull her through the opening. I tugged her onto my lap in the cramped back seat and closed my arms around her. It was nice to have her back where she belonged. Whether she was Bonnie or Tara, she felt familiar.
She didn’t melt into me like she usually would have, and I tried to ignore the hurt that wreaked havoc on my heart.
“Where are Marco and Akila?” My groggy voice was thick with gravel.
“They are looking around for a place to hide the car.”
I snuggled against her neck, inhaling deeply. Her skin was warm, fragrant silk against my nose. I nuzzled deeper. “You don’t like me much do you, Bonnie?” She lifted her chin, allowing me to trail my lips along her jaw. Her breath caught as I flicked my tongue against the dip beneath her earlobe.
“You are a stranger to me, Dain, so how can I dislike you? But you aren’t the man I love. I love Dylan.”
I kissed her chin, and now her breath sped up in response. I felt her pulse racing beneath my finger tips on her wrist.
“Bonnie, if you knew what I know about Dylan, you’d hate him as much as I do.”
“I could never hate Dylan.” She turned to face me, our lips a breath away from one another. Her eyes blazed with a fire deep from within her that I had never seen in Tara, and I was almost consumed by the heat.

The Reborn Deleted Scenes-FREE -
Smashwords- -The Life That Ends: The Reborn deleted scene
&  The Lord of Requited Love-The Reborn Deleted Scene- Smashwords- 

Author Bio-
Casse Narome is the alter-ego of a self-proclaimed awesome weirdo who spent her childhood reading and daydreaming. As an adult that is also how she spends her time only now she writes her daydreams down for everyone to read. Casse is never serious, has been accused of wishing her life was a sitcom, laugh track and all, has a bad habit of talking out loud to herself and she is fine with being a little insane. She spends way too much time online, too much money buying books and laughing at her own jokes. You will find her on Twitter being very random and spewing her opinions. When you see her online, tell her to get back to her writing! Or just engage her in a hilarious random conversation. She blogs book reviews and the adventures of being a writer at


Favorite Line(s)  “That life was what legendary love stories are based on”

“Seems we were meant to be that tragic pair of star-crossed fools that never could get it right.‖”

“Grief is like a sharp, jagged stone in the river of a person‘s soul. The storms come, and the water gets choppy.”

“I have what I came for." The haunting ache in my chest had vanished.”

I don't even know how to explain why I just read! Man imagine reincarnation, soul mates actually happening! 
Dain/Dylan and Tara/Bonnie are soul mates and after they died and are REBORN they always find each other. Can you imagine that kinda love!
Only this time a team of "scientist" put roadblocks in front of you to try and prevent you from finding each other! Crazy right?
It was a little confusing trying to keep names straight but, once I worked through that then I was just sucked into this book!
Tara is so hurt by a "roadblock" called Missy that she agrees to have her mind wiped so she can't forget the pain.
They try the wipe with Dain but, it doesn't work though he sees Bonnie and all he thinks of is he has found Tara!
Man! Wow! I've honestly never read anything like this! I was so surprised at some of the lives these couples have lived!
Defiantly a great different read!

I was given this book in exchange for an honest review (GHB)

Facebook Event for Book Blitz- 

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to such a fabulous read thank you.
