Thursday, September 05, 2013

Crimson Night Spotlight~Excerpt~Review~Giveaway

Welcome to Carnivale Diabolique ― or what I affectionately like to call the circus of the damned.
My name is Pandora, and though my face might not seem familiar to you, you do know me. I'm a Nephilim. What does that mean? I'm half demon, what's my other name? Lust. I'm the dark craving that drives you mad, makes you want, makes you reckless and stupid. I'm the drug you'll do anything to get your hands on. But I'm not all bad. I fight for light, for goodness and truth. I love my job, killing vampires and werewolves, zombies, and freaks... it's what makes me happy.
But people are starting to disappear and lately I've felt a dark presence lurking around me. I think it might be a death priest, that's not good. There isn't much a demon like me fears, but I fear them. This should have been easy, me killing the fanged freaks, getting rid of my pesky priest problem, but I'm about to be betrayed by the one person I thought I could trust with my life and before the night is through I'll be covered in crimson...

Crowds clamored, running from one ride to another. Lovers held hands, staring wordless into each other’s eyes, never suspecting or knowing that for some, this would be their final night.
This was Carnival Diabolique; the world’s greatest traveling show. People came in droves to see the hottest gig in town. We weren’t your typical carnies—greasy, fat, out of touch with the world. Our men were beautiful and the women so sweet, just looking at us gave you a toothache. This place was a Goth’s wet dream. We played dress up for the crowd and had a little bit of everything—from Cyber, to Trash, to Death Rocker.
I preferred the romanticism of Victorian myself. Black corset top, black elegant rider bustle skirt with red satin threading up the sides, vintage stockings and boots, right down to the Lolita style top hat. In this get-up I’d have made Marilyn Manson a very happy man indeed.
Diabolique was Luc’s brainchild. Years ago, none of us could have imagined how popular and mainstream ‘dark’ would become. There’d been a time to admit you dabbled in darkness meant a swift and excruciating death. Dancing with the Devil was a strict no-no. Now, to be cool meant embracing every dark thought and deed and making it your own. Funny how things change.
Luc had pounced on this new subculture with a vengeance. There was nothing we missed. We were perfect. Against all odds we’d carved an exclusive niche for ourselves, each year growing in popularity.
This place was no theatrical display of talent, it was as genuine as it got. Not a surprise really, considering we were the monsters that went bump in the night.
Some people came because they liked to pretend they had a clue what it was like to live dark and bad. Seriously. I will never understand the appeal. I think if I’d had a choice I would have liked the ignorance and not the knowledge of knowing just how bad, bad really was.
Others came because they were curious. It wasn’t everyday that you found a carnival run by modelesque beauties that catered almost exclusively to a certain type of clientele. You wanted drink. It was here. Strippers? We had them too. Narcotics? The best money could buy.
How did we get away with all this?

Let’s just say we had our ways. After thousands of years, my kind had perfected the art of stealth. If we didn’t want you to know something, you wouldn't.


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About the Author:

Marie Hall has always had a dangerous fascination for creatures that go bump in the night. And mermaids. And of course fairies. Trolls. Unicorns. Shapeshifters. Vampires. Scottish brogues. Kilts. Beefy arms. Ummm... Bad boys! Especially the sexy ones.

On top of that she’s a confirmed foodie, she nearly went to culinary school and then figured out she could save a ton of money if she just watched food shows religiously! She’s a self-proclaimed master chef, certified deep sea dolphin trainer, finder of leprechaun’s gold at the end of the rainbow, and rumor has it she keeps the Troll King locked away in her basement. All of which is untrue, however, she does have an incredibly active imagination and loves to share her crazy thoughts with the world!

Connect with Marie:

Favorite Line(s) “I wasn’t used to this, Luc was steadfast, his emotions never betraying how he truly felt. Frost bitten, I liked to call him.”

“That blinding, ripping orgasm that steals all the breath from your lungs so that all you can do is scream into the black void of nothingness and hope you can find your way back to sanity.”

“Love is the cruelest myth of all.”

“If she is the woman of prophecy, we’ll know tonight. If not she’s expendable.”

I love this author! She's amazing! 
This book is amazing as are every one of her books!
This book deals with the seven deadly sins and they are demons! 
Pandora is half demon and she has lust as part of herself! She can transform herself into your dirtiest and darkest desires!
She lives with other demons at a carnival. While working at her ride she sees 3 vampires take a person of the light which is a big no no! She doesn't save the girl but un covers so etching they don't see often. Vamps working together! She goes to her order contact and she fills her in on something that is scary! Vampires have a club and its close to the carnival! She finds out she can't trust those she thought she could!
As always I won't tell you more but,I love the lore of the 7 deadly sins!
I can't wait to see what this author comes up with next for book two!! As always AMAZING!!

I was given is book by author I exchange for an honest review 



  1. Awesome Giveaway My Fingers Are Crossed For The Win !!!!

    When did you know that you wanted to be a writer was it a childhood dream or later in life?

    1. Hi Anna, I knew in middle school when my teacher gave us an assignment to write a 3-5 page short story about whatever we wanted. 25 pages later I decided to write some Piers Anthony fanfic based on an pink and purple dotted elephant that could fly. I got an A+ on the assignment and the I remember the teacher telling me, I don't know what "it" is, but I think you've got it Ms. Marie... that was it. I thought about it for years, wrote short stories for a few years before finally deciding to tackle my first full length novel only to realize it was SOOOOO much harder than it might first appear. I took creative writing lessons, joined a ton of critique groups, devoured "How to Write Fiction" books and 14 years later am happily publishing. But it's been a life long pursuit. :) Thanks for asking. :D

  2. so excited about book and giveaway. Grace sent me

  3. Good Excerpt The book looks really good. Grace sent me..

  4. Thanks for agreeing to host me!

  5. I have go to move up Marie's books on my TBR that I have already bought. I've been dying to read them. I should skip ahead! TY!
