Saturday, November 16, 2013

Descending Darkness Spotlight~Guestpost

Title: The Descending Darkness
Author: Michael Chulsky
Series: Stand Alone
Genre: Sci-Fantasy (Science Fiction/Fantasy)

Publisher: Rocking Horse Publishing
Release Date: Sept 28 2013

Seventeen-year-old bounty hunter SHADOW is about to lose his mind. One week he's killing demons and other creatures. The next, he has ten super-powered teenagers in his care. Shadow needs their help, because without them he can’t hope to complete his mission. But he’s never dealt with other teenagers before. He’s always been a loner. Heck, he’s tried the whole having-a-pet thing. It died.

Shadow’s mission: save the world and ensure his entire team survives the potential apocalypse. If MAEDARA, self-proclaimed fashionista, Queen of Evil, and diva extraordinaire wasn’t trying to rule the world, it’d be cake. Now, not only does Shadow have to deal with teens more concerned with going to the mall than fighting evil, but also a villain who, in his opinion, makes Lady Gaga look like Mother Theresa.

Book Links


Author Information

Michael Chulsky grew up in New Jersey and has been writing ever since his fourth grade teacher let him create a class newspaper to channel his creativity. He is the author of The Descending Darkness and currently lives with his fiancĂ©. When not writing he enjoys browsing Tumblr, listening to music, and devouring every piece of cheesecake that falls into his line of sight. 

Author Links

Judge a Book by Its Cover
First I want to say how excited I am to be here, with Indy Book Fairy, to talk about such an important topic.
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover” growing up. I’m sure many of you have, also, and your parents, and your parent’s parents. It’s one of those things that goes way, way back. It’s older than dirt. It’s also one of those things that everyone hears but few actually practice. And the main question to ask is why. Why do few people actually listen to the advice?
I think it has a lot to do with the times changing and how people have become. In our day and age, people are too concerned about time. They’re too busy worried about how to conserve time, they end up rushing through everything. And because of this fascination with saving time, a lot of amazing things aren’t given the proper attention they deserve. As a result, a good portion of people resort to judging things based off of previous likes/dislikes, rather than trying new things and giving everything an equal chance. They’d rather get the Butterfinger because they know for a fact they like chocolate, instead of trying Jolly Ranchers. It’s easier to stick with what you know than to take a leap of faith. It shouldn’t be that way.
It’s crucial to understand that by not taking chances and just judging everything based off of preconceived notions, you’re closing yourself off to so many different worlds. You’re inhibiting yourself from growing as a person. Life is all about change and discovery. If you don’t give yourself a chance to discover new things, you’re effectively stunting your own growth and depriving yourself from what could be incredible experiences.
If you judge a book by its cover, you’ll never know what you missed. The book/song/TV show/movie that you didn’t give a chance could have been one of your favorites. The person that you didn’t get to know could have been a really good friend.  And the drink/food that you didn’t try could have been the most delicious thing that you’d ever taste.
It’s important to keep an open mind in life about everything. If you do that, you’ll never miss a thing. Guaranteed. Judging a book by its cover is wrong. Period. So don’t do it.
Michael Indy Book Fairy couldn't agree with you more!
Thank you so much for coming by IBF and doing a Guest Post that makes perfect sense, because your right if you Judge something by its cover you could LOSE out on something AMAZING!!
Come back ANYtime!!

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