Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Her Dragon's Fire Spotlight~Excerpt~Review

Her Dragon's Fire
Julia Mills

Her brilliant blues eyes and luscious curves have haunted his every thought for over six years. The guilt of his younger brother’s death a weight around his heart, keeping him from claiming the one the Universe had made for him and him alone. Aidan, a fierce Dragon Guardsman, now knows nothing was as he thought and the woman he believed was unattainable is within his grasp, if only he can keep her safe from those that would use her to hurt him.
Grace is a successful lawyer, seeking justice for those that would otherwise be forgotten. Her incredible strength and intelligence make her a champion for the downtrodden. When she stumbles into a case that is so much more than she ever imagined, her very life hangs in the balance and the man whose scent sends her heart racing and her temperature rising is the only one that can keep her safe. Her life is irrevocably changed when she comes face to face with those hypnotic amber eyes.
There are no coincidences. Aidan will do everything in his power, including give his very life, to keep his mate safe.
The Universe does not make mistakes. Grace and Aidan are meant to be together, in this life and the next, but the forces both natural and magical that are sworn to keep them apart have been a step ahead of the Dragon Guard all along.
Can these fated mates defy all odds and live the life that is their destiny? Fate will not be denied.

She smiled and nodded just a bit. One lone tear rolled down her cheek. Aidan leaned forward and kissed the path that tear took, until his lips touched hers. He placed a chaste kiss upon her lips, and then laid his forehead against hers. They both sighed, relieved it was over.
Grace just stared at Aidan. She knew every word he had spoken was the complete truth. Her intuition or spidey senses or whatever the hell it was, confirmed everything he said. Now she had to decide what to do with this knowledge. She had already made her mind up earlier to give whatever this thing was between them a chance. The feelings she felt for this man, she had never felt for another, but to know her feelings were reciprocated, turned her world upside down. She had prepared herself for a few good months, maybe even a year and then was sure it would die out, but listening to Aidan, she knew that was not the case. He had said ‘for all of our days’, not just for just a little while, he wanted her forever and she could not stop herself from being happy about it, or for hoping that everything they felt for one another was not just ‘happy endorphins’ running through their system. She reminded herself that there were more questions she needed answered. This was dangerous, unfamiliar territory where her heart was concerned. Trust did not come easily, and she damn sure did not love this quickly. She had to make sure they were on the same page, and protect her heart.

Grace was the first to break the silence, “So you believe me about the feelings I get?”
“I’ve learned to never question someone’s ‘special abilities’. Of course I believe you, and I’m happy you chose to confide in me. More importantly, I’m glad that they helped save your life.” He kissed the tip of her nose.
“I have something else to tell you.” Aidan nodded for her to continue. “The same special intuition that told me about the danger last night is also telling me something about you.” Aidan’s brow furrowed and waited for her to finish.
Hurrying on before she lost her nerve, with the butterflies in her stomach threatening to overtake her even worse than when she had cross-examined her first client in open court. “They’re telling me that I should see what this thing,” she motioned between them with her hand, “between us, is.”
She no sooner had the words out of her mouth than Aidan’s lips latched onto hers. He kissed her until her eyes rolled back in her head and then just as quickly as it had started, the kiss was over. She opened her eyes, basking in the glow of his dazzling smile. Her body leaned towards his of its own volition but his strong hold kept their lips from touching. “We’ll be doing a lot more of that, but right now we need to figure out what those assholes were doing in your office last night.”

Favorite Lines “I promise on all that I hold sacred, I will never let anything happen to you again.”

“She had so many more things she wanted to experience with him. She would find a way back.”

“If I can’t get back to him, God, please keep Aidan safe and let him know love.”

“when the two halves of the same whole meet, there will be instant recognition. Their souls will merge and only then will the dragon shifter know complete peace; they will have found their true home. It will be as if the time before they met does not exist. All that matters is that they become one in body, mind, and soul.’”

“Yes, she did Mr. O’Brien, and this necklace is never going to stop ringing”

Yep! Just as amazing as the first book in this spectacular series!
Aiden is a tortured soul, he has felt so responsible first for Aiden's brothers death then his betrayal. Now he just wants to find him and make him pay. So when his mate walks through the door (while in a comprising position) he can't believe his luck and how he was almost caught. (It was hilarious!) Grace is after "The Auctioneer" a horrible man who takes woman and sells them. All she cares about is putting that trash behind bars. She's been working non-stop to find him. One night she decided to go to her best friend Kyndel's house since she was exhausted and what does she find?? A gorgeous man who makes her "spidey senses" tingle like crazy.
All while fighting the traitor and looking for the auctioneer these two fall head over heels for each other. You have to read this one to find out if the traitor and the bad guy get in the way.
The YUMMINESS in this book was enough to make my toes curl.
This author does a great job of brining you into her world and holding you there ease. It's a fabulous series that I hope continues for many more books!

I was given this book by author in exchange for honest review


1 comment:

  1. Rosemary great blog and you site is beautiful this book is sooooooooo good
