Sunday, May 04, 2014

Julia Mills Guest Post~Review~Giveaway

Julia Mills

Carrie said I could write about anything I wanted. I'm not sure she knew what she was getting into....but here goes!

The number one question I get asked is where I get my inspiration from. So I thought I would give y'all an answer.

I have an incredibly vivid imagination, always have had. My parents used to tell stories about my imaginary friend 'Henry' that lived in the crack in the bathroom wall. 
He was my friend from about two years old until I was almost four. All was great and we apparently played for hours and hours every day and then tragedy struck! Henry wrote on my mother's freshly painted white walls with black permanent marker and I had to clean it off. As the story goes, my mom heard me in the bathroom telling Henry that he had to go back in his crack in the wall and stay there because I got in trouble! No one ever heard from Henry again. heehee

As far as the actual characters in the Dragon Guard series, they are based on the people I have known throughout my life. My grandparents, parents and aunts and uncles all had the kind of marriages that you read about or see in movies. Yes, they disagreed and argued but at the end of the day they loved each other....really loved one another. They were all married over forty years, only separated by the death of one spouse and even then it was obvious they still had a connection that could not be severed. THAT is what the mates of the Dragon Guard have and what I think truly defines soul mates. 

As far as the individual characters, they contain a piece of me. I think that happens for a lot of writers, we write what we know and feel and pieces of us fall into the mix. But they are also built on the innate goodness, loyalty, strength, honesty mixed with a healthy dose of individuality I see in the countless people I have been blessed with knowing over the years. Some are more serious, some live out loud, some are the nurturers and some are the leaders and when they all come together it creates magic and that is what I hope each reader takes from my writing....a little bit of magic.  

Thank you Carrie for having me on The Indy Book Fairy Blog! YOU ROCK!! Thank each and everyone of you that stopped by and remember...Believe in magic! and Look of dragons...they are everywhere! Fate will not be denied! 
Her Dragon to Slay
Favorite Lines “No matter how humble, there’s no place like home,”

“The one female in the entire world created just for him. She is the other half of his soul, the completion of the man and his beast. She provides them with peace, love and light. She grounds them, makes them whole. She is the single most important person to both entities in this world and the next”

“The Universe is all knowing and all powerful. She knows what each person needs and She creates their perfect compliment in the form of their mate. She has no regard for species or location, only that every dragon shifter, be they Guard or not, have that one person that truly completes them. She makes no mistakes.”

“These bells will always be ringing.”

What a fabulous debut book for this talented author! I mean who doesn't love big sexy alpha DRAGONS! Yummy! Rayne is a Dragon Warrior who has found his mate, they met under less than normal circumstances but, he will not let her go and neither will his dragon! Kyndel can't believe this gorgeous man literally was dropped right at her feat. She never opens her heart, kind, or home to anyone but, Rayne literally makes her feel safe and more cherished than she has in all her life. She's doesn't know why but, she's decided to live for once. She's a woman that doesn't take any crap, she's a "spitfire" and I loved reading about her. 
He tells her the most amazing things but before she can even think on them they are running from crazy hunters. Along the way she falls for the dragon but will hose hunters stop her from getting her happily ever after? Ha you gotta read it find out!!! 
It's a great story, with hot dragons, realistic woman, and oh my so YUMMINESS! This author has no problem opening the doorway to her world! I look forward to returning soon! The details, the way she describes ever part of this book makes it so easy to close your eyes and see those beautiful dragons, the world they are in, and the hotness of those warriors! 

I was given this book by author in exchange for an honest review

Her Dragon's Fire
Favorite Lines “I promise on all that I hold sacred, I will never let anything happen to you again.”

“She had so many more things she wanted to experience with him. She would find a way back.”

“If I can’t get back to him, God, please keep Aidan safe and let him know love.”

“when the two halves of the same whole meet, there will be instant recognition. Their souls will merge and only then will the dragon shifter know complete peace; they will have found their true home. It will be as if the time before they met does not exist. All that matters is that they become one in body, mind, and soul.’”

“Yes, she did Mr. O’Brien, and this necklace is never going to stop ringing”

Yep! Just as amazing as the first book in this spectacular series! 
Aiden is a tortured soul he has felt so responsible first for Aiden's brothers death then his betrayal. Now he just wants to find him and make him pay. So when his mate walks through the door (while in a comprising position) he can't believe his luck and how he was almost caught. (It was hilarious!) 
Grace is after "The Auctioneer" a horrible man who takes woman and sells them. All she cares about is putting that trash behind bars. She's been working non-stop to find him. One night she decided to go to her best friend Kyndel's house since she was exhausted and what does she find?? A gorgeous man who makes her "spidey senses" tingle like crazy. 
All while fighting the traitor and looking for the auctioneer these two fall head over heels for each other. You have to read this one to find out if the traitor and the bad guy get in the way.
The YUMMINESS in this book was enough to make my toes curl.
This author does a great job of brining you into her world and holding you there ease. It's a fabulous series that I hope continues for many more books!

I was given this book by author in exchange for honest review

Haunted by her Dragon
Favorite Lines “He had lifted her from the rubble and pieces of her world had fallen into places”

“When in the hell had he ever taken to the time to think about a woman’s hair, let alone to watch how it curled?”

“He had mistaken love for weakness when in essence it was the strength that had brought him back to the life, and the unyielding force that made absolutely anything seem possible.”

“The only thing she knew without a doubt was that no matter how she’d fought it, no matter how much she had denied it, this man was a part of her, a part she could not and would not live without.”

“A heat unlike any she had ever known consumed her from the inside out and laid her open, heart and soul, to her mate. The moment was perfect. And then as if a light switch had been flipped, she could feel what Lance felt, confusing for an instant but then the piece of her soul she hadn’t known was missing, slid into place and she was soaring.”

(Shivers) SPECTACULAR!!! Julia Mills does it again! Lance is the jokester who makes you want to smack him and love him all at once. He met Sam when the went after he traitor. Lance was hell bent on not claiming him mate until things were calmer and safer. Sam has a one track mind and that track is all about her career! HA I LOVED HOW THE BOTH FELL!! It was perfect!! 
The traitor (Andrew) he's so twisted, angry, and hurt.i really want to hate it but I find myself felling sorry for him. It's so sad to see him plummeting towards rock bottom. 
We met so,e great new Charchters in this book. My favorite was he adorable Sydney. She's the cutest little things ever. 
It was just another great addition to this series. I can't wait until the next one!! 

I was given this book by author in exchange for an honest review

Comment (with your email) 
for chance to win SWAG 
and your choice of 


  1. Poor Henry!! I'm sure he didn't mean to get you in trouble. That would make a brilliant children's book Julia.

  2. Indeed there is no place like home! Thanks for your output on marring and soul mates. That gives me high hopes for me ;)

    1. Forgot my email annaoj ( dot) mortes ( at) gmail (dot ) com
      No spaces

  3. Her dragons fire (i really want them all but starting at the first lol).

  4. A fantastic post thank you.

