Thursday, May 01, 2014

The Belgrave Daughter Spotlight

Title: The Belgrave Daughter
Series: The Belgrave Legacy, #1
Author: Zara Hoffman
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Romance
Publisher: ZH Press
Publication Date: November 13, 2013

The Semptemgeminus Prophecy states: "A powerful sorceress with blood laced in gold sevenfold shall determine the fate of the world."
Fawn Belgrave's magical powers are the coveted prize in a bet between God and the Devil.
When she meets Caleb, the dark angel assigned to seduce her, her life is turned upside down.
Goodreads -

Hi, my name is Zara Hoffman. I’ve been writing stories for most of my life, and have been reading for even longer. While I’m in school, I don’t get to work on my stories as much as I would like, but I am always grabbing spare time and still managed to self-publish my debut novel during Junior Year of high school. Amidst college applications and homework, I am working very hard at writing the sequel to The Belgrave Daughter, which will be called Tears of an Angel. Of course, I also have a social life and love obsessing over Sherlock, and other movies and books with my friends. I owe my family everything. They have taught me, loved me, and supported me in all my endeavors.

Author’s Social Media Links

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for promoting my book! Love your blog and Goodreads group. :)
