Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Soul Thief by Majanka Verstraete Blitz Review~Excerpt

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The Soul Thief (The Angel of Death Series #1)
by Majanka Verstraete
Publisher: Booktrope
9781620155585_front   When sixteen-year-old Riley is injured in a car crash and sees a girl stealing a boy’s soul, she’s convinced she’s hallucinating. But when she sees the same girl at the hospital later, she knows she wasn’t dreaming. That’s when Riley learns her secret heritage and who she really is: a halfling Angel of Death. Riley must come to terms with her new reality and supernatural abilities, but before she can do this, girls her age start dying in mysterious circumstances. It’s up to Riley to figure out why, what the innocent victims have in common, and what she can do to stop them.

Majanka Verstraete begged her Mom to teach her how to read while she was still in kindergarten. By the time she finished fifth grade, she had read through the entire children’s section of her hometown library. She wrote her first story when she was seven years old, and hasn’t stopped writing since. With an imagination that never sleeps, and hundreds of possible book characters screaming for her attention, writing is more than a passion for her. She writes about all things supernatural for children of all ages. She’s tried to write contemporary novels before, but something paranormal always manages to crawl in. Majanka is currently studying for her Master of Laws degree, and hopes one day to be able to combine her passions for law and writing. When she’s not writing, reading or studying, she likes watching “The Vampire Diaries” and “Game of Thrones,” spending time with her friends, or playing “World of Warcraft.”

“Yeah, well, that’s not on top of my ‘to do’ list.” I let go of his hands and dusted off my jacket. “Can’t we skip the whole ‘collecting a soul’ thing? It’s almost the weekend. I don’t want any other emotional ordeals before I get a few days’ rest.”  Leander opened up his mouth as if he was going to say something, and then shut it again.   “What?”   “It’s that girl’s funeral, right? Tara?”  Way to ruin my good mood. “Yeah.  That’ll be enough emotional turmoil to last the entire weekend.”    “All right, then. We’ll wait until after the weekend to collect a soul.”   “Thanks.”  I smiled at him, and when he smiled back an army of butterflies gathered in my stomach.   Keep it together, Riley. He’s your mentor. This is like falling for your teacher. Not done.   “You know, I will miss reading your thoughts,” Leander teased. “especially when you’re thinking about me.”  “Do you have to be so obnoxious? You probably hear about how handsome you are every day.” I ignored the warmth rising to my cheeks and turned away from him, focusing on the floor instead.   “It’s been a while. Besides, I’m just joking around.”    “How come we can’t hear human thoughts?” I tried to change the subject.   “Smooth move, Scott.” He winked at me. “Humans think on a different frequency than we do. Think ultra-violet rays or radio frequencies.”    “And this counts for all supernatural creatures?

“I don’t want to bother you,” I said. “So I’ll be on my way.” I yanked my arm out of the vampire’s grip.   “Not so fast.” He reached for me again, this time pulling me closer to him. His breath smelled foul, of blood and flesh, and I wanted to throw up.   “We’re going to have some fun first. It’s been a while since we’ve met one of your kind,” he said, sniffing my scent.   The others appeared around me, closing me in. “Your blood will be delicious,” one of them predicted. “Always is.”   “A mix of human and Angel. I haven’t tasted something so fine in four centuries.”   I fought the panic welling up in my throat but it was useless. I could only pray Katie wouldn’t come looking for me and fall victim to this group of morons as well.   Leander, if you can hear me, I’m in danger! I’m surrounded by vampires, and they want to turn me into supper. Please help. HELP!   I hoped the mental message reached him in time, but until it did I had to stall. “What are you?” I asked, hoping that playing dumb would buy me some time.

“I see,” I said, stuffing my mouth full with another pile of pancakes. “These are delicious.”   “Thanks. If you like these, you should taste my pasta. When you live several centuries in Italy, you’ll know how to make your pasta.”    I grinned. “Can’t wait.”   Leander stayed quiet. He didn’t eat, but after a few moments he put his hand on my knee. “I’m really sorry, Riley,” he said. “I should’ve been there to protect you. That’s my job. I can’t imagine how scared you must’ve been.”   “Well,” I said, my voice as hoarse as if I’d smoked a pack of cigarettes, “I was more surprised than scared. I didn’t have a lot of time for that.”   I couldn’t pull my gaze away from his hand, still lying on my knee as if it had become part of it. Butterflies exploded in my stomach.   “So you forgive me?” Leander asked.   “You were busy,” I told him. “It’s not your fault.”

Riley is a 16 year old girl who was in a car accident and while waiting to be taken to the hospital saw a little girl who stole a boy's soul. Riley believed she was seeing things.  At the hospital again she saw the girl an knew then she wasn't dreaming. The little girl grabbed her and took her to the council who told Riley she was a halfling Angel of Death. Normally they would kill halflings but she was given a chance.

Can Riley learn how to be Angel of Death? Or will the council decide she is too dangerous and end her life?

This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.
When I was first asked to review this book I was skeptical but once I started reading it I could not put it down. I know if I just had an accident and I saw a little girl steal the boys soul, I would have thought I was crazy or had brain damage.  Man that would have scared me to death.  The story flowed and kept you interested in what was going to happen next. The things Riley saw and learned would have freaked anyone out but she handled it well.  It was a page turner and an excellent story. Cannot wait til the next one in the series!!!  BRING ON THE NEXT BOOK!!!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your review, Cindy, and for hosting the book on your blog! Could you please post your review on Amazon and Goodreads? That would be so helpful in helping to get the word out about the book :)
