Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Faithful By S.M. Freedman Spotlight~Interview

The Faithful
S.M. Freedman

For Agent Josh Metcalf, memories are ghosts. They are blood-soaked backpacks and the smell of strawberry Chap Stick. Josh is haunted by a little girl who went missing his first summer on the force. Decades later his search has become an obsession, and he's pinned the photos of hundreds of missing children to his wall of tears. All the children had psychic abilities. All the cases went cold -- with no witnesses, no useful tips, and no children ever recovered. Until a woman gets injured trying to stop an abduction, and Josh comes face to face with his personal ghost.

For Rowan Wilson, a meteorite hunter for NASA's Spaceguard program, memories are lies. The childhood she thought she knew has been erased, leaving a black hole in its place. New recollections are flaring to life: men dressed like priests, a ranch in the mountains, mind control, and rape. Each new memory draws her closer to one of the other missing children, Sumner Macey; and to I Fidele, the underground organization for whom kidnapping is just the beginning.

For Sumner, memories have become weapons. He's sharpened each of his with surgical precision: the ranch, the doctrine, the mind-wash, and the murders. He's eager to slice at the black sludge pumping through I Fidele's heart, desperate to cripple those who stole his childhood.

To I Fidele, non-psychics are cockroaches in need of extermination, an inferior species destroying the earth. They're ready to enforce eugenics on a global scale. If they succeed, only those faithful to their doctrine will survive. Crossing several genres, The Faithful will appeal to anyone who enjoys supernatural mysteries; high-tech, edge-of-your-seat suspense flavored with paranormal elements; thrillers involving psychics, occult and high stakes action/adventure; tied up with a depth and humor usually reserved for works of literary fiction.

Where to Purchase The Faithful

The Author

S.M. Freedman is a top-ranked Amazon author in the Mystery, Thriller and Suspense
categories, and a member of the WorldWiseWriters group. She lives in Vancouver with
her husband, two children and a giant orange cat.

She studied acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, and spent
years as a private investigator and business owner.

Inspired by authors of many different genres (favorites include Sue Grafton, Diana
Gabaldon, Jodi Picoult, Stephen King, Justin Cronin, Suzanne Collins and Lawrence Hill,
to name a few) she eventually turned back to her first love: writing.

The Faithful, a paperback and kindle Amazon Bestseller in both the US and the UK, and
a Quarter Finalist in the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award, is her debut novel.
She's currently working on the sequel.

Follow the entire The Faithful tour HERE

Brought to you by
Worldwind Virtual Book Tours

Describe your books in 3 words? Memories are ghosts.

If you could be any character from one of your books who would it be? It would be really cool to be as smart as Ryanne. That girl knows stuff it takes me weeks to research.

What is your greatest fear about being an author/publishing your book(s)?
For me, writing is like bleeding my insides into a story. So letting people read it is scary. It’s kind of like sticking your guts on a platter and saying, “Here, chew on this,” and then hoping no one spits it out in disgust. But once I got over that a bit, I realized there was something worse: the possibility that I’d gutted myself, and no one cared.

Would the 10 year-old version of yourself kick your butt or praise you for what you've accomplished in life? That smarty-pants knew she wanted to be a writer. She would probably ask why I wasted so much time doing other things.

What do you do when you finish your book and turn it in to the editor? Grab a celebratory jar of Nutella, and a spoon. If I’m feeling particularly virtuous, I might add in a banana. You know, for health.

What is your favorite Genre and why? My favorite books are cross genre spectacles of awesomeness. The kind of books that make bookstore owners scratch their heads, wondering where they should be displayed. I also love a good mystery, something that makes me think around corners.

What is one thing that would surprise us to know about you? I’m an introvert in disguise, but my disguise is really, really good. And no spoilers, but it might have a cape. 

Was there an Author who inspired you to write? There are many authors whose writing first inspired me to dip my hand into the well. But being inspired to write is the easy part. When I started The Faithful, I had no idea that continuing to be inspired would be the real challenge. I’m incredibly fortunate to have founded the WorldWiseWriters with five other amazing and hilarious authors. They’re like writing soul mates (that’s totally a thing). Together, we butt-kick, commiserate, celebrate — and best of all, we laugh every single day.

How did you come up with the characters in your books? They all started out as extensions of some part of me: my sass and love of junk food (Ryanne), my determination and ethics (Josh), and my totally inappropriate sense of humor (Sumner). At some point, they all took on a life of their own, causing me much horror and delight. Now I talk about them as thought they’re real people. I was shopping with my husband the other day, and realized I was telling him about a murder scene I’d just written as though it were real. Needless to say, I got some strange glances in the produce aisle.

Do you prefer to write alone or do you like to collaborate with other authors? For me, writing is done alone but editing requires a team. There comes a point when I’m just too close to the story to see the holes, and there are a handful of people I entrust to give it to me straight (my husband, my mom and the WorldWiseWriters).

Everyone uses computers, tablets, phones and no one uses handwritten form or typewriters, what do you prefer to use? I have a wee little MacBook Air, and I love it so much I’d marry it, if it wouldn’t get awkward with my husband.

Fast Fairy Questions-(one word answers PLZ)
Apple or Windows? Apple
Dog or Cat? Both
Pepsi or Coke? Coke
Facebook or Twitter? Facebook
Summer or Winter? Summer
Fairies or Angels? Angels
Vampires or Werewolves? Neither
Amazon or Barnes and Noble? Both
Funny or Serious? Funny
Print or E-book? Print
Eyes or Smile? Eyes
Dream spot to visit? UK

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