Title: Escape from Area 51 (The X+Y Files #3)
Author: Wayne
A.D. Kerr
Genre: MG
Paranormal Adventure
A trip to the top secret military testing base, commonly
known as Area 51, was a dream come true for UFO obsessed Xander Bookman - until
a strange voice invaded his thoughts. Could the voice really be coming from a
joke telling alien, named I-pod, who desperately needs help to escape from the
most secure site on the planet?
Of the many who tried, only one man had ever successfully breached the heavily guarded facility. A brilliant Soviet spy managed to the impossible, but he never made it home. One got in; zero got out.
Until now...
Join Xander and Yzzie on their most daring adventure yet.
Middle grade readers and adults will enjoy this scary, but fun, action filled, science fiction / paranormal adventure.
The X + Y Files series is 'The X-Files' for kids. Xander and Yzzie are the middle grade version of Mulder and Scully.
Of the many who tried, only one man had ever successfully breached the heavily guarded facility. A brilliant Soviet spy managed to the impossible, but he never made it home. One got in; zero got out.
Until now...
Join Xander and Yzzie on their most daring adventure yet.
Middle grade readers and adults will enjoy this scary, but fun, action filled, science fiction / paranormal adventure.
The X + Y Files series is 'The X-Files' for kids. Xander and Yzzie are the middle grade version of Mulder and Scully.
Wayne A D Kerr was born and raised in
Canada, but has lived in the United States for the past twenty years.
When not writing or reading adventure novels, he is most likely hiking, biking
or playing tennis.
“Help me, I
really need to go home.”
“Who said that?”
Xander spun around. The voice sounded like it was right behind him. There was no one there. Yzzie, Betty, Bert, Randy and Randy’s dad
were all focused on the the valley below.
“Wait! You can
hear me!” the voice spoke again. “You can hear me… It has been so long…
Finally, I can speak to someone.”
Xander stood
perfectly still. What was happening to
him. Buzzing was one thing, but
voices. That couldn’t be good.
“Yzzie, can you
come over and help me with this?” Xander called to his cousin.
‘Why is this
happening to me?’ Xander thought to himself.
“Yes, why you?”
the voice said. “You’re the first human that can hear me.”
‘You can hear my
“Yes, I’ve been
able to access the minds of some humans,
not many -- perhaps one in a hundred, but you are the first that I’ve been able
to communicate with and believe me, I’ve tried,” the voice told him.
“What do you
need, Xander?” Yzzie asked, arriving at the telescope.
“You know that
annoying buzzing noise I was hearing,” Xander said to her. “Well, it’s gone.”
“That’s great!”
Yzzie said.
“Not so great,”
Xander shrugged, “now I’m hearing voices in my head.”
“Just one voice,”
the voice corrected him.
“You’re right,”
Xander said, glancing skyward, then back at Yzzie, “it’s just one voice.”
“This is bad,”
Yzzie said, her eyes clouding with worry.
“No, this is
good,” the voice said. “I really need your help.”
“What is the
voice saying?” Yzzie asked, once she was sure the others were out of earshot.
“It’s not sure
why I’m the only one that can hear it and that it needs my help,” Xander told
“Help with what?”
she asked.
‘Escape,’ the
voice said, ‘I need your help to escape.’
“Escape from
where?” Xander asked outloud.
“The voice wants
out of your head.” Yzzie looked puzzled.
“I’m in a lab
deep below Hangar 18,” the voice explained.
“Here? You mean
from inside Area 51?” Xander asked.
“Yes,” the voice
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