Saturday, March 07, 2015

Seachange@Work By Linda James

Title: Seachange @ Work: Discover what a difference an energised day makes!
Author: Linda James
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self Help, Mind, Body and Spirit
Seachange @ Work brings ancient wisdom and energy techniques into the modern workplace to reshape our work habits, rejuvenate the work environment and create more personal energy. Author Linda Mary James has tailored this book for the 21st century workplace so the concepts can be incorporated seamlessly into the daily routine.
Linda shows readers how to track and manage their energy levels throughout the working day. She also looks afresh at the modern corporate environment, introducing the concept of the energy system of a business to illustrate the importance of a well-balanced workplace.
Seachange @ Work is structured around a typical working day. The book starts with the journey to work, takes readers through their working day and shows how to:
      Create an ideal working day
      Arrive at work feeling fresh and ready to take on the day
      Understand the chakra energy of your business
      Identify key areas that would benefit from an increase in energy flow 
      Create a supportive working environment
      Easily introduce the beneficial effects of colour, gemstones/crystals, essential oils, flower essences, sound etc into your workplace
      Be your authentic self in the workplace
      See working relationships from a different angle
      Maintain high productive energy all day.
      Arrive home with energy to enjoy the rest of day
      Work with passion and purpose
Each chapter provides clear, easy-to-follow guidance 5 minute exercises designed to help readers gain a greater awareness of their environment and develop the basic skills to sense and work with the energy around them. In this practical and engaging book, Linda James shows how, with small adjustments, readers will bring authentic, positive changes and increased energy to their working day.
 Excerpt 1.
The importance of clear intention in your working day

       What you think and intend is creating a forceful effect in the universal energy field. Intention is far more powerful than wishful thinking.
       Setting your intention on a particular idea or aspect brings focus to it, and with it, a determination to achieve the desired result. Once you have clarity of direction and your desired outcome, and set your intention, half the work is already finished. Your intention is now starting to focus on your ideal working day.
        In the course of the day, your brain will receive possibly millions of impressions. If you were consciously aware of all these impressions, you would be on information overload. Fortunately, your brain filters out the impression or information that is not considered to be important to you at the time.  However, when you change your focus, your brain’s ‘filtering system’ changes. What you are now focusing on, which is a part of your intention, starts to appear in your life. You can then start taking advantage of opportunities that may already be there.
       Have you ever ‘discovered’ something you thought was ‘new’ and just what you wanted at the time, and then found that it’s been around for years? Why hadn’t you noticed it previously? It’s because it was not a priority; it was not important to you then, so your brain had filtered out the information. It was only when the item became important or valuable to you that you became consciously aware of it.

When there is focus and intention followed by action, the magic begins: you don’t have to go seeking what you need, just allow it.

       Action puts into motion the energy behind the intention. When action aligns with your intention, the energy around you changes and brings you all kinds of people and events to support you.

Focus on creating your own reality and your ideal working day.
·         Be clear about your intention.
·         Be consistent with your intention.
·         Write your intention down.
·         Show your commitment to your intention.
·         Believe that you are creating your intention.
·         Take action — take the next step.
Author Bio

The more Linda learnt about energy healing and spiritual wisdom, the more she discovered that we can incorporate it into our working life. She found that we can experience our working day in a more positive and energised way. Linda’s desire is to take ancient wisdom and energy techniques to the business world in a way that workers, managers and executives can understand and use to make positive changes for their personal wellbeing, the wellbeing of the staff and their colleagues, and the health of the business itself.
Linda Mary James was born in England, and spent time in Toronto, Canada before moving to live and work in Sydney, Australia. In writing Seachange @ Work Linda draws on more than 30 years’ management experience and concurrently over 15 years energy healing experience. She is a Certified Energy Healer, Holistic Counsellor and Transformational Life Coach, writer and teacher of inspirational courses in Sydney, Australia.
Twitter:  Linda James @ LindaJa37222250

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