About the
Title: Whispers in Eternity
Author: Jacinda Buchmann
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Life—the existence of truly living—doesn't
begin until you close the door on the past.
My post-high school goals had been right on track—literally. But when the doctors said that I could no longer run, I was faced with two choices—give up or change direction.
Unexpectedly, singing became my new passion—a passion fueled by the most gorgeous guy I had ever met.
I can't say that I believe in love at first sight, but after meeting Gavin, I can now say with certainty that I believe in recognition at first meeting.
He was unquestionably my soul mate.
Only one obstacle stood in our way.
He was a ghost.
My post-high school goals had been right on track—literally. But when the doctors said that I could no longer run, I was faced with two choices—give up or change direction.
Unexpectedly, singing became my new passion—a passion fueled by the most gorgeous guy I had ever met.
I can't say that I believe in love at first sight, but after meeting Gavin, I can now say with certainty that I believe in recognition at first meeting.
He was unquestionably my soul mate.
Only one obstacle stood in our way.
He was a ghost.
Author Bio

Excerpt #1
find other hobbies for you," my mother chimed in, trying to sound
encouraging. "Maybe you can take some art or pottery classes or music...
You've never played an instrument. You might like it."
I sat on the edge of the exam table, numb and speechless. Had I heard her
"No," I said flatly, refusing to look at anyone and staring straight
ahead at the door. I needed to get out of there. "A hobby? A hobby?
Are you serious? Running is not a hobby! Running is a part
of who I am. You have no idea. None of you do. I need to go. Now."
I pushed myself off the table but misjudged my usual sense of balance. Instead
of landing firmly on my feet, I stumbled forward, practically landing in Dr.
Rogers's lap. Catching me by the shoulders, he held on with firm hands to
steady me.
"There now," he said. "Are you okay?"
The room began spinning and my ears were ringing. Were my parents talking?
Their words sounded muffled and far away. Oh, God. Not again, I thought.
I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths in an attempt to regain control
over my out-of-control physical reactions. Please don't pass out. Please
don't pass out, I silently coached myself.
It seemed that my efforts were futile though. My stupid heart made it perfectly
clear that it was now in control of my life and I no longer had a say in what I
got to do.
Please don't pass out, I thought once more, but it was no use. The only
thing I can say I was grateful for was the fact that Dr. Rogers still had a
firm hold on me when I fainted.
Excerpt #2:
chuckled. "Girls are way more emotional and sentimental than guys are. A
guy would hear this song and be like, 'Man, that jam's got rhythm,' but girls
be all like, 'Ah, baby, they're playin' our song. It's so sentimental and
"Don't you go and ruin my favorite song, Malik," I warned, trying to
hide a grin. "I'm tellin' you right now, you bash my song and it's a deal
breaker. Our whole BFF, let's-hang-together-at-school status will be
"Well, I certainly don't want to risk that. Okay, then, your favorite
song—what's it called again?"
"'Falling Like Snow.'"
"Right. Your favorite song, 'Falling Like Snow,' is now my favorite song.
See? Easy. Are you ready to do this thing?"
I had just pulled into the school parking lot and put the gearshift into park.
With the engine still running, I stared at the multitude of students piling out
of cars and heading for the building. Was I really ready for this? I had spent
my entire junior year either in the hospital or doing homeschooling. What if I
completely sucked at making stupid small talk and pretending that I cared about
the hottest actors in Hollywood or who was going with who to the homecoming
"Um, you know, we still have time to back out. I'm sure if I told my mom I
want to do homeschool again, she'd be in full support. And you could do it with
me. We could be homeschool buddies, right from the comfort of my aunt's
"Come on, Noelle. You don't strike me as a girl who cowers down and gives
up that easily. You can do this. We can do this. I'll be right by your
side. Besides, we're BFFs now, remember? If I'm going to face the first day of
school, you have to face it with me."
"Fine." With a sigh, I grabbed my backpack from the back seat and
hopped out of the truck. "But if I hate it," I said as we strode
toward the school, "I'm totally out of here."
"Deal. But you have to give it at least a week, because if you leave, I'm
leaving with you. It's been six years since I've gone to a real school, and I'd
like at least one week to see if it's just as awesome as I remember."
"Awesome?" I couldn't help but laugh. "I think your memory must
be a little clouded."
"Hey, I like living in my delusions, okay? So, do we have a deal? You'll
give it a week?"
When we reached the front walk, though, I couldn't help but think that yoga
pants, fuzzy socks, and my aunt's kitchen sounded a lot more relaxing than the
chaos we were about to walk in to.
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