Thursday, July 16, 2015

Anger's Children By K. D. Rose


K.D. Rose is a poet and author who currently has published "Heavy Bags of Soul", "Inside Sorrow", “I AM”, “Erasing: Shadows”, "Anger's Children: Three Shorts That Will Blow Your Mind", "A Taste for Mystery: Two Novellas" and "The Brevity of Twit".

Her poetry has been published in Candlelit Journal, the Voices Project, and showcased in the Tophat Raven Art and Literary Magazine. K.D.’s book, Inside Sorrow won the Readers Favorite 2013 international Silver Medal for Poetry.

K.D. has an eclectic mind and loves language, physics, philosophy, photography, design, art, writing, symbolism, semiotics, spirituality, and Dr. Who. KD Rose is an avid supporter of music, the arts, cutting edge science, technology, and creativity in all forms.

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Angers Children: Three Shorts That Will Blow Your Mind

Dangerous. Risqué. A catch. There's always a catch.
Three tales that will blow your mind.

From Under The Shadow of Wings
She had come to collect. All the places she had been before. All the places she had died. They had died. She could hear them all now. All her dead relatives. She came back to collect what was hers. What was theirs. She came back to kick some ass. She had already won. She had just come back to collect.
Playing the fate cards so fast, she caused pieces of past and future to fly by, appearing and disappearing. The onlookers—family—in her head were dizzy and not quite sure where to step.
While all of this was going on in her head, she sat in the bar of an airport, waiting for the red-eye. Her drink was Chardonnay. Next to her was a man dressed to be noticed. She guessed that with slicked-back hair and a model’s face, he was probably doing his best to feign nonchalance. He has those big, brown eyes—the ones that look at you and implore. Or seduce. Which one is he? Inside she heard her dead relatives bickering. Is he going to be the one?
They each had food and were waiting for their tab.
He finally looked at her and spoke. "I hate being held hostage by bad waiters, don’t you?" He smiled, white teeth gleaming.
She looked him over. His ticket stuck out from his jacket pocket. He would be on the same plane as her.
"Unless they’re very bad," she said with a smirk.
His red face showed that he was unprepared for her forwardness, but instead of backing down, he struck. He seemed to have recovered his confidence. "There’s no time lonelier than the night, baby," he said, looking at her like fresh meat. She hadn't controlled her body well enough. She knew her pupils had dilated at him and bet he noticed it too. He was that kind of guy.
She could hear her dead relatives. My tongue is in your ear washing grime, endless grime, off our face and hands. And the insects crawl around for their share of dead skin flakes.
Kat smiled but paid the tab she had finally been given and got up. Walking over to the elevator, she hit the down button and didn’t look back.
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Questions for Authors

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
With this book I take the readers way out on a limb so I wanted them to just let go of boundaries and remain open to anything happening.
Was there an Author who inspired you to write?
Madeline L'Engel was a big one. I still have her "Wrinkle in Time" series in my home to this day.
I've been an avid reader since I was a child so I would those authors of my first books as a child played a big role in my regard for writing. Later I grew attached to Science Fiction and still love the giants in that  genre.

How did you come up with the characters in your books?
Some create themselves as I start writing, they really start coming together, telling me their quirks and psychology. Most I start with a general idea but they all develop more as I write. I'm a pantser if you can't tell. ; )
What are your current projects?
I'm going to bury myself in a hole soon and write either humor, essays or a very literary book. I don't know which yet. But that won't be probably for six more months.
Do you see writing as a career?
No. Writing is a lover. The one you cannot live without.
Do you ever picture yourself and one of your heroines?  If so, which one?
Not really. The characters have their own personalities.
Do you have a favorite heroine/hero from one of your books? If so, who?
I love the female protagonist in The Dark Man, from Anger's Children. I'd like to expand on those characters actually and write a book around them and the world I set up for them.
What kind of research do you do for your books?
Specific things when I need to, like types of hammers, types of poisons and how they work for my mystery for example.
What is the hardest part of writing your book?
Starting it. Procrastination is deadly. Once you're in the zone it's so much easier.
If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?
Leave reviews! (All authors would say this LOL)
What is your favorite Genre and why?
I like books that defy genre. Books that take a risk and break the mold.
Do you prefer to write alone or do you like to collaborate with other authors?
I'd love to collaborate but it would probably be difficult. Right now I am writing an interactive adventure novel though so that's pretty cool collaboration. The readers get to vote at the end of every chapter on what happens and then I have to write based on their choices. That book is called Kill Chain and can be found here:
Do you ever get writer’s block? If so, how do you get through it?
Music inspires me. Art inspires me. But most of all reading inspires me. I read great things and get passionate about writing again.
When you are reading a book, who is your favorite author?
Harlan Ellison remains my favorite author. He is one of the greats from my younger days reading Sci fi.
Do you come up with the cover or does someone else do it?
I've come up with the majority of my covers but I enlist help from designers too. I love to choose pictures. I do have one book where an artist did the cover completely without any involvement from me.
If you could change anything in your writing what would that be?
Bad habits. All writers have them. It would be nice to wave a wand and get rid of mine. Crutch words, passive writing, filter words. Those are the worst.
What book if any would you want to be made into a movie?
Erasing: Shadows is the one best suited but I would choose the story The Dark Man from Anger's Children if it were my decision.
Who would you want to play the hero/heroine?
Current heartthrobs! LOL
Everyone uses computers, tablets, phones and no one uses handwritten form or typewriters, what do you prefer to use?
I'm still stuck on my PC.  I have a custom built office (courtesy of my husband who built it) so I am deskbound by choice. I don't find anything else easy to type on anyway and speed is of the essence when the ideas are flowing.
Is there a ritual you do before you begin your book?
I usually have a cover picture that I use to inspire me for the writing whether it ends up being the actual cover or not. Like I said I love pictures and choosing cover pictures that grab the essence of the book.
What do you do when you finish your book and turn it in to the editor?

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