Tuesday, August 04, 2015

A Creative Journal for the Inspirationally Challenged By Monica Corwin & Decadent Kane

It is a truth universally acknowledged that any writer, in possession of a beautiful idea, will have a bad day and need to mainline caffeine. Ok well, maybe not, but as writers ourselves we know that everyone has good and bad days. The most important thing is that you keep writing.

Here is the Goodreads page:


Monica Corwin

Monica Corwin is an outspoken writer who attempts to make romance accessible to everyone no matter their preferences. As a new Northern Ohioian Monica enjoys snow drifts, three seasons of weather, and disliking Michigan. When not writing Monica spends time with her daughter and her ever growing collection of tomes about King Arthur.

Decadent Kane

Decadent Kane, author of the trouble with elves series, writes paranormal romance with heat. She lives in Wyoming with a full house: 3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 guinea pig, 1 rat, 2 kids, and 1 fiance.

An elfess in human form, Decadent enjoys dipping her fingers into the human realm where she took pen to paper and began the tales of the trouble with elves. Her obsessions include reading, Dean Winchester, and honey. 

She will devour your soul with glimpses of the feral ridden drow elves, with their dark skin and soul consuming. She'll sneak morsels of naughty thoughts to you via goblins, and seduce you into stepping inside the elven realm where females disappear when lust takes over among other elfish troubles.

Beware the sprites.

Follow the wisps.

But never look a drow elf king in the eyes...

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Anyone can write. You just have to do it.
What are your current projects?
Working on a rewrite for the Upcoming King Takes Queen.
Do you see writing as a career?
I do and I don’t. To pay the bills I am also a writer (a journalist of sort) so technically yes.
Do you ever picture yourself and one of your heroines?  If so, which one?
Nope, never. I would not inflict my awkwardness onto one of my poor characters.
Do you have a favorite heroine/hero from one of your books? If so, who?
Maggie and Arthur (King) from my upcoming book, King Takes Queen.
What kind of research do you do for your books?
I do mostly research into myth and legend.
What is the hardest part of writing your book?
Writing a book. Once I hit 10,000 words I always stall out. Finishing it is very hard for me.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?
I love you all.
What is your favorite Genre and why?
Paranormal romance, because my imagination is the limit…and I have a very good imagination.
Do you prefer to write alone or do you like to collaborate with other authors?
I have no preference. I love both.
Do you ever get writer’s block? If so, how do you get through it?
I usually drink a little bit. The words might not be perfect but at least they will come out.
When you are reading a book, who is your favorite author?
That is an unfair question, there are way too many. I love Megan Hart, Karen Harbaugh, Jacqueline Carey, Anne Bishop, CL Wilson.
Do you come up with the cover or does someone else do it?
I always have someone else do it. I am awful at graphics of any kind.
If you could change anything in your writing what would that be?
I wish I could write without using the word ‘had’.
What book if any would you want to be made into a movie?
The book I’d most wanted is actually a wonderful TV show (Outlander). Next choice would be Written in Red by Anne Bishop.
Everyone uses computers, tablets, phones and no one uses handwritten form or typewriters, what do you prefer to use?
I actually use my computer, hand writing, and typewriters!
Is there a ritual you do everything before you begin your book?
Nope, I usually just start writing. Maybe a fresh cup of coffee?
What do you do when you finish your book and turn it in to the editor?
I usually have a glass of wine and breathe a long sigh of relief. Also fret over whether it’s any good or not.

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