Title: The Butcher’s Daughter
Author: Mark M. McMillin
Genre: Historical Fiction
In an age
ruled by iron men, in a world of new discovery and Spanish gold, a young
Irishwoman named Mary rises from the ashes of her broken childhood with ships
and men-at-arms under her command. She
and her loyal crew prowl the Caribbean and prosper in the New World for a time
until the ugly past Mary has fled from in the old one finds her.
Across the
great ocean to the east, war is coming. The King of Spain is assembling the
most powerful armada the world has ever seen - an enormous beast - to invade
England and depose the Protestant “heretic queen.” To have any chance against
the wealth and might of Spain, England will need every warship, she will need
every able captain. To this purpose, Queen Elizabeth spares Mary from the
headman’s axe for past sins in exchange for her loyalty, her ships and men.
Based on true
historical events, this is an epic story about war, adventure, love and
betrayal. This is a timeless story about vengeance. This is a tale of
Author Bio
Mark is an
attorney by day and an author by night. He has always had a passion for history
and writing. The Butcher’s Daughter is his fourth book. Mark began his
career with the military. He is a veteran of the “Cold War” and served with the
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in Germany. Mark currently resides in
Atlanta, Georgia and is the general counsel for an airline and freight
forwarding company.
Amazon (Kindle): https://www.amazon.com/Butchers-Daughter-Journey-Between-Worlds-ebook/dp/B0190CN028/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1475062370&sr=8-2
Amazon (Paperback): https://www.amazon.com/Butchers-Daughter-Journey-Between-Worlds/dp/0983817936/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1475062370&sr=8-2
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