The DIY Musician's
Radio Handbook: How To Grow Hack Your Fan Base Using Indie Radio Airplay
By D Grant Smith
Genre: Music,
Self-Help, Marketing
are constantly looking for opportunities to reach new audience. Radio airplay
continues to be one of the best outlets to grow your audience and reach new
fans. Yet getting your music on the radio is complicated and difficult for many
artists. How can you get your music heard on radio so that you can build a
stronger and larger audience?
DIY Musician's Radio Handbook illustrates a practical and thorough step-by-step
process for gaining radio airplay AND building solid connections with the people
who make radio happen. Jump into the mind of a radio programmer to discover
what works and why to gain radio, media, and music industry success with your
D Grant Smith is not just a music marketing pro. He's the creator and host of
the internationally syndicated program The Appetizer Radio Show, and a former
radio station manager. In the book, you'll see why radio programmers make their
picks on what music gets picked up, and how you can get your music on their
radar. Discover the proven process that has helped countless musicians go from
unknown and undiscovered to known and celebrated through indie radio airplay.
For creative entrepreneurs outside of music, this book is also helpful in
seeing how creating human connections and valuing others is the means to create
growth that provides long-term benefits. Bloggers, authors, and media creators
can gain insights here too.
About the Author
Grant Smith is the host & creator of The Appetizer Radio Show, a syndicated
variety music program that began in 2003. Over the past decade+, Smith has
helped musicians get discovered & grow through indie radio airplay like
Lindsay Katt, The Rocketboys, William Fitzsimmons, Kelley McRae, Birds Over
Arkansas and many more. His experience with The Appetizer Radio Show's growth
through syndication taught him what works in marketing media to media, which
has helped to fuel his work as "the audience Growth Farmer." Using
principles from Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar and community building, Smith helps
musicians and creative entrepreneurs build supportive communities of superfans
through relationship building. His work includes private mentoring, workshops,
and speaking engagements where storytelling and empowerment are used to create
vibrant and powerful transformations.
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