Friday, December 30, 2016

Light In My Dark

About the Book
Title: Light In My Dark
Author: William Dresden and Jean Gilbert
Genre: YA Fantasy
Sixteen-year-old Harper Deveraux has longed for an adventure ever since her mother died of cancer four years ago. Much to her dismay, she is stuck in Glen Eden, a small mountain town in upstate New York that does little to fuel her hopes and dreams.
Another year of high school has begun, and with the Moon Dance only a few weeks away, Harper suddenly finds herself torn between the affections of two boys: her best friend Jack, and a new boy from the City named Knes who might not be from this world.
Strange things begin to happen in Glen Eden when Harper uncovers a mystery that involved her mother and a realm shrouded in darkness that lies beyond the wall... A realm that Knes intends to take her to. Only Jack stands in his way.
Light In My Dark, is an action-packed modern YA fantasy, filled with dark forces, love, and self-discovery.

Authors Bios
William Dresden is an author and award-winning screenwriting. He spent several years as a script doctor and pursued the dream of writing hollywood blockbusters. Now he mostly writes fiction and enjoys spending time with his family and friends. William currently lives in Virginia with his wife and two children.

Jean Gilbert is an award winning speculative fiction writer from New Zealand. She is a Core member of SpecFicNZ, and is also the coordinator for SpecFicNZ Central. Jean's novels include the Vault Agency Series: Shifters, Ardus, and The Vault. You can find her short stories Blonde Obsession in Baby Teeth: Bite Size Tales of Terror, and Pride in the Contact Light Anthology.


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1)      Describe your books in 3 words?
JG: Adventurous, Family, Consequences.
WD: Dark, Love, Discovery.
2)      If you could be any character from one of your books who would it be?
JG: Tanner Holmes because he is a good mix of heroics, flaws, and humor. I definitely fell in love with him.
WD: Aven. Dark and brooding. A man of mystery and action. If only that was me. In reality, I am more like Jack.
3)      What is your greatest fear about being an author/publishing your book(s)?
JG: Dealing with the negative criticism. Also, succeeding. It is a scary adventure.
WD: I agree. I also fear missing the mark or worse yet, no one discovering my writing.
4)      Would the 10-year-old version of yourself kick your butt or praise you for what you've accomplished in life?
JG: My 10-year-old self definitely would be giving me high-fives, especially for the genre that I write because it was my so much of my world back then. Yet, I would be kicking my butt for not starting sooner. So, to put it fairly - an even butt praise across the board.
WD: I’d like to think that the 10-year-old version of myself would be praising me. Maybe he’d tell me that I should have started writing way back then. Otherwise I think I’ve made him proud.
5)      What do you do when you finish your book and turn it in to the editor?
JG: I move onto the next project and try not to think about what is going on with that book. Right now, I am working on three different projects at the same time, in different stages. It keeps my mind focused.
WD: I usually take on a small project in-between the revisions and the beginning the second book. I’ll either take on a screenwriting job or tackle one of my ongoing serialized stories I’ve been working on over the years.
6)      What is your favorite Genre, and why?
JG: Science fiction! I was introduced to science fiction at an early age. Robert H. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert were just a few authors that I started with. With  television and movies,  I so wanted to be a Trekkie and often daydreamt about it. Then came Star Wars. Need I say more?
WD: That’s a tough one for me. I don’t have one favorite. I love Fantasy. Technological Thrillers but I also love character driven Horror. I’ve also been really impressed with the amount of solid YA authors out nowadays, Sabaa Tahir, Sara Maas, Tahereh Mafi, Leigh Bardugo and list goes on and on.
7)      What is one thing that would surprise us to know about you?
JG: I have a cognitive disorder called Prosopagnosia, or better known as Face Blindness. It is a curse and a blessing.
WD: I’ve been making movies since I was fifteen. I’ve had a film at the Cannes Film Festival.
8)      Was there an Author who inspired you to write?
JG: When I was in my teens and found Anne McCaffrey’s Dragon Flight, I was hooked on her style of writing and world building. I became immersed in her worlds. They felt like real places. Her characters moved me. I could not get enough of the series. She inspires me even today. I hope to write as brilliant as she has done.
WD: I remember reading Phantoms by Dean Koontz in one day. I literally couldn’t put it down. I knew then that I wanted to be a writer.
9)      How did you come up with the characters in your books?
JG: I take from what I can remember and create the rest. I say that because with Face Blindness, I have limited memory of people. So, I start with something familiar, and working up a complex physical ‘Character Bible’, a new person is born – backstory and all. I keep this large binder close-by through the whole process until the book goes out for print. The characters tend to become their own person after a while and I have to add that to the Character Bible, too, or forget.
WD: I use a lot of real life experiences to help me create characters. I like to base them on people I’ve met or people that I’ve researched from history. It helps them feel three dimensional and well rounded.
10)  Do you prefer to write alone or do you like to collaborate with other authors?
JG: Having a collaborator is great, but not always a possibility. For my first series, it was just me, myself, and I. I think we worked pretty well together. Only a few arguments. I mostly won. For the few trouble spots, I reached out and asked for help like a good girl.
WD: Both scenarios have their advantages. I tend to be working on multiple projects at a time so having a collaborator helps keep me grounded and actually accomplish things. When I work solo I tend to drag things out longer then they need to be.
11)  Everyone uses computers, tablets, phones and no one uses handwritten form or typewriters, what do you prefer to use?
JG: I am pretty attached to my laptop, though I can easily revert to pen and paper when necessary. I am dependent on notes with my memory issues, so there is either something nearby for note-taking or my Dictaphone for the car ride or under my pillow for my nightly inspirations (reworking) of the day’s work.
WD: Laptop, definitely. I use moleskin note-pads to jot ideas down throughout the day. Sometimes I start my outlines on pen and paper. But a computer is standard practice these days. It’s where I feel most at home.
12)  Is there a ritual you do every time before you begin your book?
JG: I am very methodical. It is the way I work best. I don’t wait for inspiration. I view writing as a job with set goals. When I sit down to write, I give myself ½ hour to get into the writing mode. That usually includes reviewing the Character Bible, updates in the outline, and reading the last few pages. Oh, and I have something to drink handy, usually water or a cup of tea.
WD: Tea. I have to have a cup of tea. It helps me calm down. I tend to write at night so winding down is an important part of my routine.

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