Saturday, September 14, 2013

Gargoyle Addiction Spotlight~Review

Gargoyle Addiction
Livia Olteano
Series: Otherworlds Summons #1
Publication date: July 2013
Genre: NA Paranormal Romance

Summonari don’t trust. Under their command, they summon any number of creatures from the Otherwolds—but never trust them outside of the summoning.

Gargoyles don’t love. Fierce descendants of dragons, they function on power and fear—never love.

Karla isn’t the happily-ever-after type of girl. No territory-hungry guy is going to stick flags all over her unclaimed grounds.
Kann’s world is death and betrayal. As Dar Primus of Haus Varis, he’s expected to follow tradition but he’s not your regular gargoyle. In fact, he’s anything but.

One fateful Friday night, Otherworlds collide. Stuck together in one world or another, Karla and Kann face everything from Awakenings and turbulent love to Festnavals and bloodthirsty scorned suitors.
If there’s one thing they can’t escape, it’s the addiction to each other. And they’ve got it bad.


Livia lives in Europe where she listens to obscene amounts of music and devours every reading material in sight. When she’s not doing either of the two, she fiddles with anything remotely customizable within reach.

Author links:

Favorite Lines “Run, little human. Run, make me chase you. “I’m the big, bad, hungry gargoyle”
“She managed to amuse me and at the same time drive me insane just by sitting there”
“Nothing would ever take this small wonder from me. I needed to feel her come apart again worse than I needed to breathe.”
“He’ll be able to spy in. I won’t share that with him, baahni. I can’t share that with anyone, not ever. Until you break that connection, I’d rather die of the need to touch your lips or play with your hair, then have him experience it through me.”
“Yours, baahni. Until my last breath.”

The Gargoyle world in this story is violent, lonely, and scary!
Kann is a gargoyle and he's been summoned by Karla. She has no idea how she got this beautiful gray man in her life. He's mean, vicious, sexy, hot headed, and HERS.
Kann tricks her to going back with him to his world because he can't live with out her! 
He does t understand this feeling he has for her. He doesn't like it wait her. All he knows is he needs her like the airs he breathe!
Karla is a summonari, she didn't know it until her brought Kann to her! She thought he was a Character in on of her favorite series! 
 Can they be together? Can there love survive back stabbing gargoyles, being from different worlds, and a old dragon? 
Ha like I am going to tell you! It as a great story, this author is amazing and makes the reader feel like just maybe that hot hero can come to my would!

I was given this book in exchange for an honest review


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being part of the tour and I'm happy you enjoyed the read :)
