Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Workings of Energy in the Human Energy Field: A Psychic’s Perspective

Title: The Workings of Energy in the Human Energy Field: A Psychic’s Perspective
Author: Zorica Gojkovic
Genre: Nonfiction
The happenings in your life are not erratic, whimsical occurrences. They are external expressions of the content of your energy field.

Before there is matter, there is energy. Your thoughts, beliefs, history and soul attributes exist as energy in your energy field. They create the reality that you know. When you change the content of your energy field, you change your life.

The Workings of Energy shows you how energy operates in your energy field and offers tools to successfully work with energy. When you have this crucial knowledge, you have power; you can consciously work with energy to create your life.

Author bio

Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D., is a professional psychic consulting with people all over the world.
She received her Ph.D. in English. Her dissertation is about evolution of consciousness, mysticism and physics as they relate to the novel. Giving psychic readings has significantly expanded this original research.

By reading energy in their aura, she helps clients heal core issues, realize their soul potential and experience ever-greater joy, love and peace.

More information and resources are available on her website, .

“Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to know the mysteries of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, vibration . . . .” Who would have thought that giving psychic readings would have been a way for me to see this flow and action of energy, a way to discover the mysteries of the universe—and much more? Yet, that is exactly what happened.
            I was born clairvoyant, but it was not until much later in life I officially began to use this ability by giving psychic readings. Those early days were filled with wide-eyed awe and nonstop discoveries. They permanently changed my life.
            I was looking at people psychically and seeing them as maps of energy. I saw how they were constructed of energy. On top of that energy, the physical reality and earthly experience were built. (It is similar to adding the rest of the house once the frame is built.) Looking at this flow of energy, I was finally able to understand why we are who we are, why we are the way we are and why our lives are the way they are—and all this in the context of our relationship to the divine. These were answers to questions I had asked decades ago standing in front of my locker in high school mystified at the nonsensicalness of the world. Miraculously I believed that at some deeper level all this apparent nonsense had to make sense. My tacit life purpose was to discover this deeper level. I started to find answers a few years later, but it wasn’t until I started giving psychic readings that it all came together, when psychically I saw the entire picture.
            It was amazing to see how obvious the causes of people’s problems were from this psychic, energy point of view. Even more amazing to see was that the solutions were just as obvious.
            I was also in awe of the way each of us is a part of the divine whole and cannot be anything else. There is no separation from Source, just different forms of energy, vibration, frequency. Nothing exists outside All That Is. We are always in It, a part of It. Having psychically seen how we are softly ensconced in All That Is continues to give me hope and comfort even in the most difficult times.”  (pgs. 15-17)

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