Thursday, November 02, 2017

The Blue Unicorn's Journey to OSM

“The metal horned unicorns are doomed!” That’s what Lauda Lead Horn wailed when she first saw the tribe’s new savior. OK, so his horn was not metal. . .and he did not have a magic power. . .and he was really a puny little runt. But doomed? Were things really that bad? 

Well, things were pretty bad in the land of MarBryn. Magh, an evil sorcerer utilized unicorn horns and hooves to create his magical potions and spells. Those he used, to increase his power and to conquer everyone in his path. All of the unicorns from the Tribe of the Metal Horn were now gone . . . except for twelve survivors. 

Before the blue unicorn was born, Numen told Alumna, the aluminum-horned oracle, that he had a plan to bring the tribe back home to Unimaise. His prophecy was, “Only the blue unicorn can join with the Moon-Star. Until then, no new unicorns will be born.” Blue was the last unicorn born. Twenty years later, his horn was still covered with a plain blue colored hide. There was not a glint of metal to be seen on it or his hooves. And he still didn’t have any magic. But he was no longer scrawny and he had his wits. Though no one else in the tribe thought he had a chance, Blue felt ready to make Magh pay for his evil deeds. And he went off to do it alone. That was Blue’s first mistake. If the entire tribe was not standing horn-tip to horn-tip at the proper time and the exact place to help usher the Moon-Star Spirit into Blue’s horn, he would die. Then, the rest of the tribe would really be doomed. 

Readers will follow along two journey paths in this book. Blue is joined in his travels by his mentor Gaiso, the Stag and his friend, Girasol the Firebird as they try to find their way across a danger-filled MarBryn to Muzika Woods. The rest of Blue’s tribe is forced to follow another route due to Nix Nickle Horn’s unfortunate incident with a Manticore. Nix, the great unicorn defender must safely lead the way for Ghel, the Golden-Horned unicorn; Silubhra Silver Horn; Cornum the Brass-Horned unicorn; Steel Horned Style; Cuprum the Copper-Horned unicorn; Tin-Horned Tinam; Dr. Zinko; Iown the Iron-Horned unicorn and the others in an action packed adventure to their destination in Muzika Woods. Both journey paths converge there in the Nebulium Circle.

About the Author:

I'm Sybrina. . .. . .Just one of millions of wannabe author/singer/songwriters out there but I hope, after reading or hearing my books and songs, you'll think my contributions to the world have as much value as any other famous artist out there today.

Fame is all in being in the right place at the right time but at least with the internet and venues like this, all of us have opportunities to share our creativity with the world. I'm so happy that I am able to share my works with you. That is awesome!

The books I’ve written span a wide range between illustrated picture books, coloring books and YA novels to technical and how-to books. If you’re so inclined you can read a little bit about the inspiration for each one below.
My latest effort is “The Blue Unicorn’s Journey To Osm. It is a book I started writing 30 something years ago and never finished. At the time, it was meant to be an epic fantasy along the lines of novels written by Tolkien, Piers Anthony, Ursula K. Le Guin and other amazing fantasy writers. I’ve pulled out my notes, dusted off the outline and began rewriting and expanding upon the 50 pages I had began. This story is now available as an Illustrated Book for teens and older readers in full color and in black and white, too. The black and white version is a "Read and Color" book. Read a chapter, then color the following pages. How fun is that? There is also a picture book for pre-schoolers called Unicorns From Unimaise - The Magical Metal-Horn Trobe. A longer version of the chapter book will soon be available as an Illustrated Novel with a companion glossary called, The Marbryn Compendium. All of the fantastic fantasy illustrations are by Dasguptarts. There is also a companion coloring/character description book, edited by Calyie Martin. It will introduce potential readers to the myriad of characters, places and things in the story.

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Describe your books in 3 words? – Illustrated Unicorn Fantasy
If you could be any character from one of your books who would it be? – Silubhra the Silver Horned Unicorn.  Her beautiful persuasive songs can soothe and inspire others.  Her voice makes people FEEL.
What is your greatest fear about being an author/publishing your book(s)? – That no one will ever even know they exist.  There’s so much competition out there these days.  If an author is not fortunate enough to gain the interest of people like you who have a wide platform of readers then their books are likely to languish - completely unknown forever.
Would the 10 year-old version of yourself kick your butt or praise you for what you've accomplished in life? – Both.  I’ve made a lot of terrible twists and turns on the path to where I am today.  No one arrives at their destination completely unscathed by life.  10 year old me would never have dreamed what my future holds and frankly, I’m not entirely sure of that myself.  Every day is a new day with new opportunities.
What is your favorite Genre and why? – Fantasy and Science Fiction are my favorite Genres.  Whatever you imagine can happen in those stories.  Anything is possible.   If it’s worded correctly you’ll see it and others will, too.  I always believed writers of science fiction were like prophets or future seerers. Think of all the things we have today that were only imagined by some of those early sci-fi writers of over 100 years ago.  20,000 Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne comes to mind.
What is one thing that would surprise us to know about you? - I started writing this book nearly 40 years ago.  I completely fleshed it out with index cards for every character, wrote the outline,  summary and about 50 pages of story; and then put it in a drawer for 30 something years.  Life just got in the way of writing for me.
Was there an Author who inspired you to write? – Many fantasy authors inspired me but although it would be considered politically incorrect these days, I think I have to pick Piers Anthony as the one whose writing enchanted me the most.  I loved the way he played with words.  He would take ordinary words and give them extraordinary meanings.  Times were simpler forty something years ago and his imaginative word play is what jumped out at me as I read his stories.   Of course, in the times we live today his writings are considered misogynistic, chauvinistic, just plain boorish and possibly not worth the paper they are printed on.  We have become such a hypercritical society and it may hurt me to be honest here but his stories were the catalyst that made me pick up a pen and start writing.
How did you come up with the characters in your books? – I was very interested in the science of things.  I started researching properties of different kinds of metals – their colors, their uses, their strengths – and I decided upon 12 different unicorns, each with a different type of metal horn and associated magical powers.  Only one unicorn would have no metal or magic.  The story is his quest to find his own power and to save his tribe.
Do you prefer to write alone or do you like to collaborate with other authors? – I prefer to write alone but I absolutely love the valuable input of beta readers at various writing stages. 
Everyone uses computers, tablets, phones and no one uses handwritten form or typewriters, what do you prefer to use? – I prefer sitting at my desktop computer typing on a keyboard.  But when I started writing, there was no such thing.  The only writing tool I had was a spiral notebook and a pen.  I always preferred the pen over the pencil because I could cross things out and still see them.  The transfer, for me, from pen to keyboard was painful.  I truly didn’t think I would ever enjoy the process of getting my thoughts from my brain to a computer.  Words just flowed from pen to paper and typewriters and keyboards had such a distracting clickity-clack sound.  There can be a rhythm to it and a flow…kind of like music once you get the hang of it, though.  Now, it’s the only way to go for me.  I could never hand write as fast as I can type.
Is there a ritual you do everything before you begin your book? – No rituals for me. 
What do you do when you finish your book and turn it in to the editor? – I’m already changing it again before I get it back.  It’s hard to truly mean “The End”.

Fast Fairy Questions-(one word answers PLZ)
Apple or Windows? - Windows
Dog or Cat? - Cat
Pepsi or Coke? - Coke
Facebook or Twitter? - Facebook
Summer or Winter? - Winter
Fairies or Angels? - Fairies
Dark or Light Fae? – Light
Vampires or Werewolves? - Vampires
Amazon or Barnes and Noble? – Barnes and Noble
Funny or Serious? - Serious
Print or E-book? - Print
Eyes or Smile? - Smile
Dean or Sam (Supernatural)? - Sam
Dream spot to visit? - Stonehenge

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