Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Dreaming of You (Little Sky Romance, #5)

Title: Dreaming of You (Little Sky Romance, #5) 
Author: Alexa Rivers 
Genre: Contemporary Romance (Small Town) 
Release Date: February 21, 2020 
Cover Designer: Deranged Doctor Design 

When your virtual reality trespasses on your actual reality, things can get complicated very fast …
Clarissa Mitchell owns a wedding boutique and spends her days with blushing brides, but that doesn’t mean she wants to be one. With her dating history? No way. Love just isn’t in the cards for her. And she’s fine with that. Her social life, which includes a harmless cyber crush, is plenty fulfilling. Until her online life clashes with her real one, that is, and she comes face-to-face with the man of her fantasies. A man who wastes no time worming his way into her heart, one steamy kiss and sweet gesture at a time.
Mark Talbot isn’t looking for love, either. Watching his father die young from a condition that might be hereditary cured him of any romantic notions he might’ve had. But when his mother’s impending wedding brings the beautiful and inscrutable Clarissa into his life, he begins to wonder if maybe love isn’t as out of reach as he’d always assumed it was.
Can Clarissa and Mark overcome their fears and painful pasts to take a shot at happily ever after? Or is the risk of another potential heart break simply too terrifying to consider?

Kindle Unlimited

Tweet: #BlogTour Book #5 in the Little Sky Romance, Dreaming Of You By @LexRiversWrites is #Live and available on @Amazon #Kindle Unlimited https://ctt.ec/yad4E+ #smalltownromance #contemporaryromance

“Listen,” he started, with an odd note in his voice that hadn’t been there previously, “I know that dinner with my mum wasn’t the best setting for romance, but I like you. I’m drawn to you more than I’ve been drawn to anyone in a while.” 
He stroked her cheekbone with the back of his fingers, then cupped the side of her face in his palm. She longed to close her eyes and lean into him, but this was all a dream—one perfect moment with her fantasy prince that couldn’t be anything more. Not when she knew how these things came crashing down. 
She wanted to be able to savor this moment in the dark with him, and if she opened herself to more, it would be ruined eventually. She needed to cherish this little snippet of time and keep it safe in her heart to warm her on long, lonely nights. 
“Can I call you?” he continued in that whiskey-smooth voice. “Socially, I mean, as a man who’s interested in a woman, rather than as a business acquaintance.” As if he’d been ambiguous. “I want to know you better than that.”
Tears of frustration flooded her eyes, but she blinked them back. She wished she could say yes. Wished she could be swept away by passion, but there was no place for that in her life. All of her passion was channeled into work, as it should be, because investing it in people inevitably resulted in disappointment. If she wanted to retain any kind of professional relationship with Mark and continue watching him once a week without fail, falling asleep to the memory of his voice, she couldn’t allow any lines to be blurred. 
“I’m sorry, but I think it’s better if we keep things professional,” she told him, and she could have sworn she heard her heart shriek in protest. “I like you too, but I’m not in the right place for a relationship at the moment, and even if I were, we live at opposite ends of the country.” 
She held her breath, praying he wouldn’t explode like some men did when she rejected them, but he nodded—a little sadly, she thought—and said, “Well, I guess this is goodbye then.”
“I’ll still watch your livestream.” 
His lips twitched but didn’t form a smile. “I’ll be waiting eagerly for your next question. Good night, Clarissa.”
He walked away, into the dark, and she tried not to be disappointed when he didn’t look back. She’d done the right thing. She was sure of it. 

Alexa Rivers is the author of sexy, emotional small town romances set in gorgeous New Zealand.
She lives in a small town herself, complete with nosy neighbors and quirky traditions.
She shares a house with a neurotic dog and a husband who thinks he's hilarious.
When she's not writing, she enjoys travelling, baking and decorating cakes, eating those cakes, cuddling fluffy animals, exercising, drinking copious amounts of tea, and absorbing herself in fictional worlds.

Books 1-4 Available in Kindle Unlimited


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