Friday, February 07, 2020

The Lawyer’s Secret Baby Polly Carter

The Lawyer’s Secret Baby
Polly Carter
Published by: Blushing Books Publications
Publication date: February 5th 2020
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Just when you think things are finally looking up…
Harley Brand, social worker and single mother, has come through some dark times, but feels ready to start anew, including renewing her relationship with the man of her dreams. Without warning, one pretty Perth spring morning, the worst nightmare of her life begins. Due to unintentional circumstances it looks as if her future may be cruelly snatched away from her. Broken hearted and terrified of what the future holds, she turns to her best friend, Jessamy Lushpin, PI, who promises to fix things for her.
Arian has returned to Australia to continue his law practice and find the woman who got away, the love of his life–Harley Brand. He’s older, more mature and not the same man Harley ran from years ago. This time there will be consequences for her naughty behavior.
Can they find the love they lost and begin again? Will Harley’s closely guarded secret destroy them or make them stronger? Will Arian be able to break through her walls and ensure their happily-ever-after?
Publisher’s Note: this contemporary romance is intended for adults only and contains elements of mystery, suspense, danger and power exchange. If any of these offend you, please do not purchase.
“Oof! Oh, sorry…” she mumbled but as her eyes rose to the face above her the words died in her throat. “Arian!” she gasped in disbelief, staring into the eyes of the man blocking her path.
“Hal! Is that you?” Arian Fletcher said in shocked surprise. “My God, it is. Come here. Let me look at you.” His hands took hold of her shoulders and she could feel the iron tension in his grip. “Crikey, Hal, you’re shaking like a leaf! Come here.” He pulled her closer to the cafe wall so they were out of the way of passing pedestrians and, without letting her go, reclined back against it and studied her.
Harley’s legs felt like cooked spaghetti and she had to lean against his hands for support, able only to stare at him in disbelief. If she had thought her life had a dream-like, albeit a bad dream, quality to it before, it had suddenly turned utterly surreal. She might think him a phantom, conjured by her thoughts of him over coffee, except that her shoulders were aching from the firmness of his grip.
“As beautiful as ever,” he said. “And you’ve cut your hair! I like it, but I’m glad you kept this.” He fluffed her fringe. “Very cute.” His eyes trailed over her face and down the rest of her. “But, God, Hal, you’re so pale and thin.” His brow creased in a worried frown, he reached up to gently touch her face as though even the brush of a feather might bruise her. “What’s wrong? Are you all right? Are you ill?”
From the instant she’d seen him, her whole being had filled with his presence and the world about her had ceased to exist. He looked a little older; the last traces of boyhood had disappeared, not just from the passing of years but also from battles fought and experiences endured. Tiny creases had formed above his long, thick black eyebrows and at the edges of his deep brown eyes and generous mouth, not so much laugh-lines more grim determination ones. His black trousers and white business shirt didn’t hide the bulk and hardness of his muscular chest and arms, which, like everything about him, exuded ripe alpha-male power. He was gorgeous. He was married. Her life was a mess. She hated the world.


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