Thursday, June 11, 2020

Say Goodbye and Goodnight

Date Published: 6/11/20
Publisher: Black Rose Writing

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This is the love story to end all love story’s! 1977, the most tumultuous year in New York City’s history. In a place called Bensonhurst, a young Italian-American fighter named Anthony Marino meets his love in Romeo and Julie disco on 86th Street. Gia steals his heart away, and through tremendous trials and tribulations, their love survives. A modern Shakespearean tale that pulls on every heart string we possess.

About the Author

Known worldwide as a celebrity chef, David Ruggerio’s life-story is one of redemption, sacrifice, and a new lease on life as an award-winning genre fiction writer.

Ruggerio rose to the position of top chef at the famous La Caravelle in New York by age 25. He went on to take command of Pierre Cardin's New York outpost of Maxim's de Paris, where he garnered three stars fromThe New York Times. In 1995, Robert Mondavi, the note vintner, named him one of the thirteen best young chefs in America.

With two acclaimed cookbooks under his belt, David Ruggerio became known as a "Super Chef" and was called for television guest spots that quickly became opportunities. He hosted the iconic TV showsRuggerio to Goon the Food Network, andLittle Italy with David Ruggerioon PBS. Throughout his outstanding career as a chef, Ruggerio cooked for five US Presidents.

Today, Ruggerio lives on the East Coast and spends his days writing mostly genre fiction.He is an Amazon bestselling author and the recipient of the Maxy Award for Best Horror 2019 for his debut horror novel,A Wistful Tale of Gods, Men and Monsters. His second book of fiction, Say Goodbye and Goodnight, releases June 2020.

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