Sunday, December 01, 2013

Torn & Seduced Spotlight~Guest Post~Giveaway

Title: Torn and Seduced
Author: J.E. & M. Keep
Series: Stand Alone
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Erotic
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: Nov 5 2013
Editions/Formats Available In: eBook

Anjasa has been through the worst parts of hell and come back from it wounded but stronger. A trained assassin and courtesan, she’s seen the worst in others… and herself.

She doesn’t know what she wants, but she knows the things she needs. Companionship. Adventure. Fear. She needs to feel alive.

When she meets the human noble, Loren, in the bar, she figured he’d be good for a night of fun. A place to sleep.

Instead she finds an adventure that she can’t turn away from, even though her instincts warn her of the terrible things to come…

She brought her glass up and clinked it delicately, “So what’s happened? What ragamuffin has hurt such a handsome and charming man as you?”

Tipping back the drink, she made a soft moan of appreciation before lowering the long stemmed glass back to the table.

Loren shook his head, setting that thick head of golden brown hair to swaying gently. “No. I’m afraid I just...” he sighed softly. “I lost my inheritance.” He paused then added, “In a competition I mean, not like... down a drain.”

“You bet your inheritance?” She whistled lowly as she looked over his body. “You must be huge,” she paused a beat, “ly confident.”

That succeeded in bringing another blush to his cheeks, but he poured her up more of the familiarly expensive wine and shook his head. “Not... no, not exactly,” he said. “My father, he ah,” he cleared his throat. “He disapproved of my habits and set me against a cousin in a competition over who would retain his inheritance.” He looked down in his drink glumly. “I went drinking the night before.”

She had to suppress her laughter, and she licked over her lips. “Well, we all get cock...y from time to time. So who’s this cousin and how’d he even get chosen for the possibility, huh?”

Book Links
Barnes and Noble

Author Information
J.E. & M. Keep love to combine fantasy, scifi, horror, romance and mystery into exciting and titillating novels.

They are long term, loving partners in a very happy relationship and because of this, they love to torture their characters. Dark romance touches all of their stories in one way or another, from elicit trysts to forbidden love.

Some of their work contains dubious consent and erotic pain, so it's not for the faint of heart. Their stories are often called twisted and arousing -- at the same time.

All work is 18+, trigger warnings available on the second page of every book. If you want to hear about new releases, sign up for the newsletter!

Author Links
Facebook ~ J.E
Facebook ~ M.
Goodreads ~ J.E.
Goodreads ~ M.
Twitter ~ J.E.
Twitter ~ M.

Judge a Book by Its Cover

Anjasa is an enigma. She seems to be one thing – a calm seductress, a gold digger. She should be a courtesan or a stripper, parting men from their hard earned money, but she’s left those things behind.
Instead, she’s looking for fun. A good time.
But even someone so trained in male behavior as her slips up when she finds a noble wallowing in a bar. She wants a bit of fun, a place to stay for the night, and she gets sucked into a world where no one is what they seem to be.
Whether it’s seeing a dapper gentleman pounding in a man’s face, or a dangerous killer smile, she’s constantly revealing the depths of their secrets.
That’s what makes it so interesting for us to write, is that in Torn and Seduced, you can’t judge a book by its cover. You can’t assume anything about the characters without them revealing another facet of their personality and motivations.
She’s a beautiful, middle aged elf, but there’s so much more to her than her curvy body and seductive smile. Then there are times when Anjasa would seem strong and in control only to have that ripped away. She can defend herself and use her prior professions – spy, assassin, courtesan – to her advantage, but then she finds someone stronger. More deadly.
Very quickly do her partners find that she is definitely not all she seems. She is what the situation calls for: A chameleon, adaptable and resilient. She could go from seducing a man for his money to saving a damsel in distress in the span of a day. She could walk someone to their death and then make love to their killer, just for the thrill of it.
She’s dangerous.
In the gritty world of Normevor, surrounded by humans, she always has to be on her guard. To be able to think on her toes, and to get her hands dirty.
That’s what we love about the character, and about Torn and Seduced. We encourage the reader to question their assumptions about characters, about their motives, and we play with power dynamics to the point that it’s never quite clear who’s in charge.
Everyone has ulterior motives and desires that run contrary to one another, and it makes this urban fantasy very action/adventure oriented. It’s fast paced through the sex or the fighting, even though the main focus is on the character building aspects.
We’ll definitely be doing more with this character (and already have a start on the second book!) but we’re aiming to make them all stand on their own merit. After all, Anjasa and the men in her life definitely have more secrets to tell.

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